
 * @module Core
 * @namespace springroll
	var PropertyDispatcher = include('springroll.PropertyDispatcher'),

	 * Manage the Application options
	 * @class ApplicationOptions
	 * @extends springroll.PropertyDispatcher
	 * @constructor {Object} [overrides] The supplied options
	var ApplicationOptions = function(app, options)
		if (Debug === undefined)
			Debug = include('springroll.Debug', false);;

		 * The user input options
		 * @property {Object} _options
		 * @private
		this._options = options ||

		 * Reference to the application
		 * @property {springroll.Application} _app
		 * @private
		this._app = app;

	// Extend the base class
	var p = PropertyDispatcher.extend(ApplicationOptions);

	 * Initialize the values in the options
	 * @method init
	p.init = function()
		var options = this._options;
		var app = this._app;

		// Create the options overrides
		options = Object.merge(
		{}, options);

		// If parse querystring is turned on, we'll
		// override with any of the query string parameters
		if (options.useQueryString)
			Object.merge(options, getQueryString());

		// Create getter and setters for all properties
		// this is so we can dispatch events when the property changes
		for (var name in options)
			this.add(name, options[name]);

		//trigger all of the initial values, because otherwise they don't take effect.
		var _properties = this._properties;
		for (var id in _properties)
			this.trigger(id, _properties[id].value);

	 * Get the query string as an object
	 * @property {Object} getQueryString
	 * @private
	var getQueryString = function()
		var output = {};
		var href =;
		if (!href) //empty string is false
			return output;
		var vars = href.substr(href.indexOf("?") + 1);
		var pound = vars.indexOf('#');
		vars = pound < 0 ? vars : vars.substring(0, pound);
		var splitFlashVars = vars.split("&");
		var myVar;
		for (var i = 0, len = splitFlashVars.length; i < len; i++)
			myVar = splitFlashVars[i].split("=");
			var value = myVar[1];
			if (value === "true" || value === undefined)
				value = true;
			else if (value === "false")
				value = false;
			if (DEBUG && Debug)
				Debug.log(myVar[0] + " -> " + value);
			output[myVar[0]] = value;
		return output;

	 * Convert a string into a DOM Element
	 * @method asDOMElement
	 * @param {String} name The property name to fetch
	p.asDOMElement = function(name)
		var prop = this._properties[name];
		if (prop && prop.value && typeof prop.value === "string")
			prop.value = document.getElementById(prop.value);

	 * Override a default value
	 * @method override
	 * @param {String} name The property name to fetch
	 * @param {*} value The value
	 * @return {springroll.ApplicationOptions} Instance of this options for chaining
	p.override = function(name, value)
		var prop = this._properties[name];
		if (prop === undefined)
			if (DEBUG)
				throw "Unable to override a property that doesn't exist '" + name + "'";
				throw "Invalid override " + name;
		return this;

	// Assign to namespace
	namespace('springroll').ApplicationOptions = ApplicationOptions;
