
 * @module Core
 * @namespace springroll
	var ApplicationPlugin = include('springroll.ApplicationPlugin');

	 * @class Application
	var plugin = new ApplicationPlugin();

	// Init the animator
	plugin.setup = function()
		 * Handles the page visiblity changes automatically
		 * to pause and resume the application
		 * @property {springroll.PageVisibility} _visibility
		 * @private
		var PageVisibility = include('springroll.PageVisibility');
		var visibility = this._visibility = new PageVisibility(

		 * The application pauses automatically when the window loses focus.
		 * @property {Boolean} options.autoPause
		 * @default true
		this.options.add('autoPause', true)
			.on('autoPause', function(value)
				visibility.enabled = value;
			.respond('autoPause', function()
				return visibility.enabled;

		 * Setter for if the application is being automatically paused, 
		 * usually by the PageVisibility plugin or the ContainerClient plugin.
		 * @property {Boolean} autoPaused 
		 * @protected
		Object.defineProperty(this, 'autoPaused',
			set: function(paused)
				// check if app is manually paused
				if (!this.paused)

	 * Private listener for when the page is hidden.
	 * @method onHidden
	 * @private
	var onHidden = function()
		this.autoPaused = true;

	 * Private listener for when the page is shown.
	 * @method onVisible
	 * @private
	var onVisible = function()
		this.autoPaused = false;

	// Destroy the animator
	plugin.teardown = function()
		if (this._visibility) this._visibility.destroy();
		this._visibility = null;
