
 * @module Core
 * @namespace springroll
	 * Class for filtering strings
	 * @constructor
	 * @class StringFilters
	var StringFilters = function()
		 * Dictionary of filters
		 * @property {Array} _filters
		 * @private
		this._filters = [];

	// Reference to prototype
	var p = extend(StringFilters);

	 * Register a filter
	 * @method add
	 * @param {String|RegExp} replace The string or regex to replace
	 * @param {String} replacement String to repalce with
	 * @static
	p.add = function(replace, replacement)
		if (!replace || (typeof replace != 'string' && replace instanceof RegExp === false))
			if (DEBUG)
				throw 'replace value must be a valid String or RegExp';
				throw 'invalide replace value';
		if (typeof replacement != 'string')
			if (DEBUG)
				throw 'replacement value must be astring';
				throw 'invalid replacement value';

		if (this._filters)
			for (var i = this._filters.length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
				if (replace.toString() == this._filters[i].replace.toString())
					if (DEBUG)
						throw "Filter " + replace +
							" already exists in this._filters array.";
						throw "Filter already exists.";
				replace: replace,
				replacement: replacement

	 * Test a string against all registered filters
	 * @method filter
	 * @param {String} str The string to check
	 * @static
	p.filter = function(str)
		if (!this._filters)
			return str;
		for (var i = this._filters.length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
			var replace = this._filters[i].replace;
			var replacement = this._filters[i].replacement;
			str = str.replace(replace, replacement);
		return str;

	 * @method destroy
	 * @static
	p.destroy = function()
		this._filters = null;

	//Assign to namespace
	namespace('springroll').StringFilters = StringFilters;