

	 * A class for generating weighted random values. Input objects are dictionary objects
	 * where the keys are the strings to be picked from, and the values are the corresponding
	 * odds as integers. For example:
	 *  {
	 *      itemWith25PercentChance: 2,
	 *      itemWith50PercentChance: 4,
	 *      otherItemWith25PercentChance: 2
	 *  }
	 * @class WeightedRandom
	 * @constructor
	 * @param {Object} object The configuration object for this weighted value generator.
	var WeightedRandom = function(object)
		this.max = -1;
		this.options = [];
		var total = 0;
		for (var key in object)
			total += object[key];
				key: key,
				value: total
			this.max += object[key];

	var p = extend(WeightedRandom);

	 * Picks an item at random.
	 * @method random
	 * @return {String} The randomly chosen value.
	p.random = function()
		var rand = Math.randomInt(0, this.max);
		for (var i = 0, options = this.options, length = options.length; i < length; ++i)
			if (rand < options[i].value)
				return options[i].key;
		//if we are somehow here, then return null
		return null;

	// Assign to namespace
	namespace('springroll').WeightedRandom = WeightedRandom;