
 * @module Core
 * @namespace springroll
	var Task = include('springroll.Task');

	 * Internal class for loading an image that has been split into an alpha channel image and a
	 * RGB only color image.
	 * @class ColorAlphaTask
	 * @extends springroll.Task
	 * @constructor
	 * @private
	 * @param {Object} asset The data properties
	 * @param {String} asset.color The source path to the color image
	 * @param {String} asset.alpha The source path to the alpha image
	 * @param {Boolean} [asset.cache=false] If we should cache the result
	 * @param {String} [] Id of asset
	 * @param {Function} [asset.complete] The event to call when done
	 * @param {Object} [asset.sizes=null] Define if certain sizes are not supported
	var ColorAlphaTask = function(asset)
	{, asset, asset.color);

		 * The atlas color source path
		 * @property {String} color
		this.color = this.filter(asset.color);

		 * The atlas alpha source path
		 * @property {String} alpha
		this.alpha = this.filter(asset.alpha);

	// Reference to prototype
	var p = Task.extend(ColorAlphaTask);

	 * Test if we should run this task
	 * @method test
	 * @static
	 * @param {Object} asset The asset to check
	 * @return {Boolean} If the asset is compatible with this asset
	ColorAlphaTask.test = function(asset)
		return !!asset.color && !!asset.alpha;

	 * Start the task
	 * @method  start
	 * @param  {Function} callback Callback when finished
	p.start = function(callback)
				_alpha: this.alpha,
				_color: this.color
				results._color.src = results._alpha.src = "";

	 * Pulled from EaselJS's SpriteSheetUtils.
	 * Merges the rgb channels of one image with the alpha channel of another. This can be used to
	 * combine a compressed JPEG image containing color data with a PNG32 monochromatic image
	 * containing alpha data. With certain types of images (those with detail that lend itself to
	 * JPEG compression) this can provide significant file size savings versus a single RGBA PNG32.
	 * This method is very fast (generally on the order of 1-2 ms to run).
	 * @method mergeAlpha
	 * @static
	 * @param {Image} rbgImage The image (or canvas) containing the RGB channels to use.
	 * @param {Image} alphaImage The image (or canvas) containing the alpha channel to use.
	 * @param {Canvas} [canvas] If specified, this canvas will be used and returned. If not, a new
	 *                      canvas will be created.
	 * @return {Canvas} A canvas with the combined image data. This can be used as a source for a
	 *              Texture.
	ColorAlphaTask.mergeAlpha = function(rgbImage, alphaImage, canvas)
		if (!canvas)
			canvas = document.createElement("canvas");
		canvas.width = Math.max(alphaImage.width, rgbImage.width);
		canvas.height = Math.max(alphaImage.height, rgbImage.height);
		var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");;
		ctx.drawImage(rgbImage, 0, 0);
		ctx.globalCompositeOperation = "destination-in";
		ctx.drawImage(alphaImage, 0, 0);
		return canvas;

	// Assign to namespace
	namespace('springroll').ColorAlphaTask = ColorAlphaTask;
