
 * @module Animation
 * @namespace springroll
 * @requires Core
	var AnimatorTimeline = include('springroll.AnimatorTimeline'),

	 * Animator is a static class designed to provided
	 * base animation functionality, using frame labels of MovieClips
	 * @class Animator
	 * @constructor
	 * @param {springroll.Application} app Reference to the application
	var Animator = function(app)
		 * If we fire debug statements
		 * @property {Boolean} debug
		this.debug = false;

		 * The global captions object to use with animator
		 * @property {springroll.Captions} captions
		this.captions = null;

		 * Reference to the application
		 * @property {springroll.Application} app
		 * @private
		_app = app;

		 * The collection of AnimatorPlugin definitions
		 * @property {Array} _definitions
		 * @private
		_definitions = [];

		 * The collection of timelines
		 * @property {Array} _timelines
		 * @private
		_timelines = [];

		 * The collection of active timelines, indexed by MovieClip/instance. This will be
		 * null in browsers where Map is not supported.
		 * @property {Map} _timelineMap
		 * @private
			//having a parameter causes an error in non-fully compliant implementations,
			//like iOS 8.X - there is a serious issue that sometimes happens in iOS 8.0-8.2
			//This prevents 8.3 from using the faster map, but beyond attempting to detect exactly
			//which version of iOS is being used, there isn't much of a choice.
			_timelineMap = new Map([]);
			//ensure that all the Map features we need are supported
			if (typeof _timelineMap.delete != "function" ||
				typeof _timelineMap.has != "function" ||
				typeof _timelineMap.set != "function" ||
				typeof _timelineMap.get != "function")
				_timelineMap = null;
		catch (e)
			// no catch

		 * The collection of used timeline objects
		 * @property {Array} _timelinePool
		 * @private
		_timelinePool = [];

		 * If there are timelines available
		 * @property {Boolean} _hasTimelines
		 * @private
		_hasTimelines = false;

		 * If the Animator is paused
		 * @property {Boolean} _paused
		 * @private
		_paused = false;

		//update bind
		this._update = this._update.bind(this);

		Debug = include('springroll.Debug', false);

	//reference to the prototype
	var p = extend(Animator);

	//private local vars
	var _timelines,

	 * Register an animator instance definition type
	 * @method register
	 * @param {String} qualifiedClassName The class name
	 * @param {int} priority The priority order for definition
	p.register = function(qualifiedClassName, priority)
		var plugin = include(qualifiedClassName, false);
		if (!plugin)
		plugin.priority = priority;
		_definitions.sort(function(a, b)
			return b.priority - a.priority;

	 * Play an animation for a frame label event, with more verbose play options.
	 * @method play
	 * @param {*} clip The display object with the same API to animate.
	 * @param {Object} options One of or an array of the following
	 * @param {String} options.anim the frame label of the animation to play,
	 * e.g. "onClose" to "onClose_stop".
	 * @param {int} [options.start=0] Milliseconds into the animation to start.
	 * A value of -1 starts from a random time in the animation.
	 * @param {int} [options.speed=1] a multiplier for the animation speed.
	 * @param {Object|String} [] Audio to sync the animation to using
	 * springroll.Sound. audio can be a String if you want the audio to start 0 milliseconds
	 * into the animation.
	 * @param {String} [] The sound alias
	 * @param {int} [] The sound delay
	 * @param {Function} [onComplete] The callback function for when the animation is done.
	 * @param {Function|Boolean} [onCancelled] A callback function for when an animation
	 * is stopped with Animator.stop() or to play another  animation. A value of 'true'
	 * uses onComplete for onCancelled.
	 * @return {springroll.AnimatorTimeline} The Timeline object that represents this play() call.

	 * Play an animation for a frame label event or events
	 * @method play
	 * @param {*} clip The display object with the same API to animate.
	 * @param {String|Array} eventList The name of an event or collection of events
	 * @param {Function} [onComplete] The callback function for when the animation is done.
	 * @param {Function|Boolean} [onCancelled] A callback function for when an animation is
	 *        stopped with Animator.stop() or to play another
	 *        animation. A value of 'true' uses onComplete for
	 *        onCancelled.
	 * @return {springroll.AnimatorTimeline} The Timeline object that represents this play() call.
	 */ = function(clip, eventList, onComplete, onCancelled)
		var audio, options;

		if (onCancelled === true)
			onCancelled = onComplete;
		if (!Array.isArray(eventList))
			eventList = [eventList];


		var timeline = this._makeTimeline(

		//if the animation is present and complete
		if (timeline.eventList && timeline.eventList.length >= 1)
			timeline._nextItem(); //advance the timeline to the first item

			//Before we add the timeline, we should check to see
			//if there are no timelines, then start the enter frame
			if (!_hasTimelines)

			if (_timelineMap)
				_timelineMap.set(clip, timeline);
			_hasTimelines = true;

			return timeline;

		if (DEBUG && Debug)
			var label = eventList[0].anim ||
				eventList[0].audio ||
				eventList[0] ||
				'<label unknown>';
			var readableInstance = ||
				clip.key ||
				clip.label || ||
				clip.toString() ||
			Debug.groupCollapsed("No valid animation label \"" + label + "\" in MovieClip " + readableInstance);"eventList:", eventList);"instance:", clip);

		//reset the timeline and add to the pool of timeline objects

		if (onComplete)
		return null;

	 * Creates the AnimatorTimeline for a given animation
	 * @method _makeTimeline
	 * @param {*} clip The instance to animate
	 * @param {Array} eventList List of animation events
	 * @param {Function} onComplete The function to callback when we're done
	 * @param {Function} onCancelled The function to callback when cancelled
	 * @return {springroll.AnimatorTimeline} The Timeline object
	 * @private
	p._makeTimeline = function(clip, eventList, onComplete, onCancelled)
		var timeline = _timelinePool.length ?
			_timelinePool.pop() :
			new AnimatorTimeline();

		var Definition = getDefinitionByClip(clip);
		if (!Definition) return timeline;
		var instance = Definition.create(clip);

		if (!instance)
			if (DEBUG && Debug)
				Debug.warn("Attempting to use Animator to play something that is not compatible: ", clip);
			return timeline;

		var fps;

		timeline.instance = instance;
		timeline.eventList = []; //create a duplicate event list with specific info
		timeline.onComplete = onComplete;
		timeline.onCancelled = onCancelled;
		timeline.speed = speed;
		var anim, audio, start, speed, alias;

		for (var j = 0, jLen = eventList.length; j < jLen; ++j)
			var listItem = eventList[j];

			if (isString(listItem))
				if (!Definition.hasAnimation(clip, listItem))

					anim: listItem,
					audio: null,
					start: 0,
					speed: 1
			else if (typeof listItem == "object")
				if (!Definition.hasAnimation(clip, listItem.anim))

				var animData = {
					anim: listItem.anim,
					//convert into seconds, as that is what the time uses internally
					start: isNumber(listItem.start) ? listItem.start * 0.001 : 0,
					speed: listItem.speed > 0 ? listItem.speed : 1,
					loop: listItem.loop
				audio =;
				//figure out audio stuff if it is okay to use
				if (audio && _app.sound)
					if (isString(audio))
						start = 0;
						alias = audio;
						start = audio.start > 0 ? audio.start * 0.001 : 0; //seconds
						alias = audio.alias;
					if (_app.sound.isSupported && !_app.sound.systemMuted &&
						animData.alias = alias;
						animData.audioStart = start;

						animData.useCaptions = this.captions && this.captions.hasCaption(alias);
			else if (isNumber(listItem))
				//convert to seconds
				timeline.eventList.push(listItem * 0.001);
			else if (isFunction(listItem))
				//add functions directly
		return timeline;

	 * Determines if a given instance can be animated by Animator. Note - `id` is a property
	 * with a unique value for each `createjs.DisplayObject`. If a custom object is made that does
	 * not inherit from DisplayObject, it needs to not have an id that is identical to anything
	 * from EaselJS.
	 * @method canAnimate
	 * @param {*} clip The object to check for animation properties.
	 * @return {Boolean} If the instance can be animated or not.
	p.canAnimate = function(clip)
		if (!clip)
			return false;
		return !!getDefinitionByClip(clip);

	 * Create an instance by clip
	 * @method  createInstance
	 * @private
	 * @param  {*} clip The animation object to animate
	 * @return {springroll.AnimatorInstance} The animator instance
	var createInstance = function(clip)
		if (!clip)
			return null;
		var Definition = getDefinitionByClip(clip);
		return Definition ? Definition.create(clip) : null;

	 * Destroy an instance
	 * @method  poolInstance
	 * @private
	 * @param  {springroll.AnimatorInstance} instance The instance to destroy
	var poolInstance = function(instance)
		var Definition = getDefinitionByClip(instance.clip);

	 * Get a definition by clip
	 * @private
	 * @method  getDefinitionByClip
	 * @param  {*} clip The animation clip
	 * @return {function|null} The new definition
	var getDefinitionByClip = function(clip)
		for (var Definition, i = 0, len = _definitions.length; i < len; i++)
			Definition = _definitions[i];
			if (Definition.test(clip))
				return Definition;
		return null;

	 * Checks if animation exists
	 * @method hasAnimation
	 * @param {*} clip The instance to check
	 * @param {String} event The frame label event (e.g. "onClose" to "onClose_stop")
	 * @public
	 * @return {Boolean} does this animation exist?
	p.hasAnimation = function(clip, event)
		var Definition = getDefinitionByClip(clip);
		if (!Definition)
			return false;
		return Definition.hasAnimation(clip, event);

	 * Get duration of animation event (or sequence of events) in seconds
	 * @method getDuration
	 * @param {*} instance The timeline to check
	 * @param {String|Array} event The frame label event or array, in the format that play() uses.
	 * @public
	 * @return {Number} Duration of animation event in milliseconds
	p.getDuration = function(clip, event)
		var Definition = getDefinitionByClip(clip);
		if (!Definition)
			return 0;
		if (!Array.isArray(event))
			return Definition.getDuration(clip, event.anim || event);

		var duration = 0;
		for (var i = 0; i < event.length; ++i)
			var item = event[i];
			if (typeof item == "number")
				duration += item;
			else if (typeof item == "string")
				duration += Definition.getDuration(clip, item);
			else if (typeof item == "object" && item.anim)
				duration += Definition.getDuration(clip, item.anim);
		return duration;

	 * Stop the animation.
	 * @method stop
	 * @param {*} clip The instance to stop the action on
	 * @param {Boolean} [removeCallbacks=false] Completely disregard the on complete
	 * or on cancelled callback of this animation.
	p.stop = function(clip, removeCallbacks)
		var timeline = getTimelineByClip(clip);
		if (!timeline)
		if (removeCallbacks)
			timeline.onComplete = timeline.onCancelled = null;
		this._remove(timeline, true);

	 * Stop all current Animator animations. This is good for cleaning up all
	 * animation, as it doesn't do a callback on any of them.
	 * @method stopAll
	 * @param {createjs.Container} [container] Specify a container to stop timelines
	 * contained within. This only checks one layer deep.
	 * @param {Boolean} [removeCallbacks=false] Completely disregard the on complete
	 * or on cancelled callback of the current animations.
	p.stopAll = function(container, removeCallbacks)
		if (!_hasTimelines)

		var timeline;
		for (var i = _timelines.length - 1; i >= 0; --i)
			timeline = _timelines[i];

			if (!container || container.contains(timeline.instance.clip))
				if (removeCallbacks)
					timeline.onComplete = timeline.onCancelled = null;
				this._remove(timeline, true);

	 * Remove a timeline from the stack
	 * @method _remove
	 * @param {springroll.AnimatorTimeline} timeline
	 * @param {Boolean} doCancelled If we do the on complete callback
	 * @private
	p._remove = function(timeline, doCancelled)
		var index = _timelines.indexOf(timeline);

		//We can't remove an animation twice
		if (index < 0)

		var onComplete = timeline.onComplete,
			onCancelled = timeline.onCancelled;

		//in most cases, if doOnComplete is true, it's a natural stop and
		//the audio can be allowed to continue
		if (doCancelled && timeline.soundInst)
			timeline.soundInst.stop(); //stop the sound from playing

		if (_timelineMap)

		//Remove from the stack
		if (index == _timelines.length - 1)
			_timelines.splice(index, 1);
		_hasTimelines = _timelines.length > 0;

		//stop the captions, if relevant
		if (timeline.useCaptions)

		//Reset the timeline and add to the pool
		//of timeline objects

		//Check if we should stop the update
		if (!_hasTimelines)

		//call the appropriate callback
		if (doCancelled)
			if (onCancelled)
		else if (onComplete)

	 * Pause all tweens which have been excuted by `play()`
	 * @method pause
	p.pause = function()
		if (_paused)
		_paused = true;

		for (var i = _timelines.length - 1; i >= 0; --i)
			_timelines[i].paused = true;

	 * Resumes all tweens executed by the `play()`
	 * @method resume
	p.resume = function()
		if (!_paused)
		_paused = false;

		//Resume playing of all the instances
		for (var i = _timelines.length - 1; i >= 0; --i)
			_timelines[i].paused = false;
		if (_hasTimelines)

	 * Pauses or unpauses all timelines that are children of the specified DisplayObjectContainer.
	 * @method pauseInGroup
	 * @param {Boolean} paused If this should be paused or unpaused
	 * @param {createjs.Container} container The container to stop timelines contained within
	p.pauseInGroup = function(paused, container)
		if (!_hasTimelines || !container)
		for (var i = _timelines.length - 1; i >= 0; --i)
			if (container.contains(_timelines[i].instance.clip))
				_timelines[i].paused = paused;

	 * Get the timeline object for an instance
	 * @method getTimeline
	 * @param {*} clip The animation clip
	 * @return {springroll.AnimatorTimeline} The timeline
	p.getTimeline = function(clip)
		if (!_hasTimelines)
			return null;
		return getTimelineByClip(clip);

	 * Loop a clip by timeline
	 * @method getTimelineByClip
	 * @private
	 * @param {*} clip The clip to check
	 * @return {springroll.AnimatorTimeline} The timeline for clip
	var getTimelineByClip = function(clip)
		if (_timelineMap)
			return _timelineMap.has(clip) ? _timelineMap.get(clip) : null;
			for (var i = _timelines.length - 1; i >= 0; --i)
				if (_timelines[i].instance.clip === clip)
					return _timelines[i];
		return null;

	 * Whether the Animator class is currently paused.
	 * @property {Boolean} paused
	 * @readOnly
	Object.defineProperty(p, 'paused',
		get: function()
			return _paused;

	 * Start the updating
	 * @method _startUpdate
	 * @private
	p._startUpdate = function()
		_app.on("update", this._update);

	 * Stop the updating
	 * @method _stopUpdate
	 * @private
	p._stopUpdate = function()
	{"update", this._update);

	 * The update every frame
	 * @method
	 * @param {int} elapsed The time in milliseconds since the last frame
	 * @private
	p._update = function(elapsed)
		var delta = elapsed * 0.001; //ms -> sec

		var t;
		var instance;
		var audioPos;
		var position;
		for (var i = _timelines.length - 1; i >= 0; --i)
			t = _timelines[i];
			if (!t)
				return; //error checking or stopping of all timelines during update
			instance = t.instance;
			if (t.paused)

			//we'll use this to figure out if the timeline is on the next item
			//to avoid code repetition
			position = 0;

			if (t.soundInst)
				if (t.soundInst.isValid)
					//convert sound position ms -> sec
					audioPos = t.soundInst.position * 0.001;
					if (audioPos < 0)
						audioPos = 0;
					position = t.soundStart + audioPos;

					if (t.useCaptions)
				//if sound is no longer valid, stop animation playback immediately
					position = t.duration;
				position = t.position + delta * t.speed;

			if (position >= t.duration)
				while (position >= t.duration)
					position -= t.duration;
					if (t.isLooping)
						//error checking
						if (!t.duration)
							t.complete = true;
						//call the on complete function each time
						if (t.onComplete)
					if (t.complete)
				if (t.complete)

			if (t.playSound && position >= t.soundStart)
				t.position = t.soundStart;
				t.playSound = false;
				t.soundInst =
					this._onSoundDone.bind(this, t, t.listIndex, t.soundAlias),
					onSoundStarted.bind(null, t, t.listIndex)
				if (t.useCaptions)
				t.position = position;

	 * The sound has been started
	 * @method onSoundStarted
	 * @private
	 * @param {springroll.AnimatorTimeline} timeline
	 * @param {int} playIndex
	var onSoundStarted = function(timeline, playIndex)
		if (timeline.listIndex != playIndex)
		//convert sound length to seconds
		timeline.soundEnd = timeline.soundStart + timeline.soundInst.length * 0.001;

	 * The sound is done
	 * @method _onSoundDone
	 * @private
	 * @param {springroll.AnimatorTimeline} timeline
	 * @param {int} playIndex
	 * @param {String} soundAlias
	p._onSoundDone = function(timeline, playIndex, soundAlias)
		if (this.captions && this.captions.currentAlias == soundAlias)

		if (timeline.listIndex != playIndex)

		if (timeline.soundEnd > timeline.position)
			timeline.position = timeline.soundEnd;
		timeline.soundInst = null;

	 * Stops all animations and cleans up the variables used.
	 * @method destroy
	p.destroy = function()
		this.stopAll(null, true);
		this.captions = null;
		_app = null;
		_timelines = null;
		_timelinePool = null;
		_timelineMap = null;
		_definitions = null;

	//Type checking, produces better uglify

	 * Check to see if object is a String
	 * @method isString
	 * @param {*} str The string
	 * @return {Boolean} if object is String
	 * @private
	function isString(str)
		return typeof str == "string";

	 * Check to see if object is a Number
	 * @method isNumber
	 * @param {*} num The object to check
	 * @return {Boolean} if object is Number
	 * @private
	function isNumber(num)
		return typeof num == "number";

	 * Check to see if object is a Function
	 * @method isFunction
	 * @param {*} func The object to check
	 * @return {Boolean} if object is Function
	 * @private
	function isFunction(func)
		return typeof func == "function";

	//Assign to the global namespace
	namespace('springroll').Animator = Animator;
