
 * @module States
 * @namespace springroll
 * @requires Core
	// Include classes
	var ApplicationPlugin = include('springroll.ApplicationPlugin'),
		StateManager = include('springroll.StateManager'),
		Debug = include('springroll.Debug', false);

	 * @class Application
	var plugin = new ApplicationPlugin();

	plugin.setup = function()
		 * Fired when an event has been added
		 * @event stateAdded
		 * @param {String} alias The state alias
		 * @param {springroll.State} state The State object

		 * The collection of states
		 * @property {Object} _states
		 * @private
		this._states = null;

		 * The state manager
		 * @property {springroll.StateManager} manager
		this.manager = null;

		 * The transition animation to use between the StateManager state changes
		 * @property {createjs.MovieClip|springroll.easeljs.BitmapMovieClip|PIXI.Spine} _transition
		 * @private
		this._transition = null;

		 * The transition animation to use between the StateManager state changes
		 * @property {createjs.MovieClip|springroll.easeljs.BitmapMovieClip|PIXI.Spine} transition
		Object.defineProperty(this, "transition",
			set: function(transition)
				if (!this.display)
					if (DEBUG)
						throw "No default display is available to set the states. Use the display application option";
						throw "No default display";

				if (transition && !this.animator)
					if (DEBUG)
						throw "Use of a transition requires the animation module, please include";
						throw "No animation module";

				// Remove the old transition
				var stage = this.display.stage;
				if (this._transition)

				// Save the transtion reference
				this._transition = transition;

				// Add to the manager
				if (this.manager)
					this.manager.transition = transition;

				// Add to the stage
				if (transition)
					// Stop the transition from playing
					if (transition.stop)
			get: function()
				return this._transition;

		 * The initial state to go to when everything is finished
		 * @property {Boolean} options.state
		 * @default null
		 * @readOnly
		this.options.add('state', null, true);

		 * The animation to use for the StateManager
		 * @property {createjs.MovieClip|PIXI.Spine} options.transition

		 * The transition sounds to use for the state transition
		 * @property {Object} options.transitionSounds
		 * @readOnly
		 * The transition in sound alias or sound object
		 * @property {Object}
		 * @default null
		 * @readOnly
		 * The transition out sound alias or sound object
		 * @property {Object} options.transitionSounds.out
		 * @default null
		 * @readOnly
			'in': null,
			'out': null
		}, true);

		 * The collection of states where the key is the state alias and value is the state display object
		 * @property {Object} states
		 * @default null
		Object.defineProperty(this, "states",
			set: function(states)
				if (this.manager)
					if (DEBUG)
						throw "StateManager has already been initialized, cannot set states multiple times";
						throw "States already set";

				if (!this.display)
					if (DEBUG)
						throw "No default display is available to set the states. Use the display application option";
						throw "No default display";

				// Create the state manager
				var manager = this.manager = new StateManager(

				// Pass the animator reference
				manager.animator = this.animator;

				// Add a handler to enable to disable the display
				manager.on('enabled', function(enabled)
						this.display.enabled = enabled;

				var stage = this.display.stage;

				//create states
				for (var alias in states)
					// Add to the manager
					manager.addState(alias, states[alias]);

					// Add the state display object to the main display

					this.trigger('stateAdded', alias, states[alias]);

				this._states = states;

				// Get the transition from either the transition manual set or the options
				var transition = this._transition || this.options.transition;

				//if the transition is a EaselJS movieclip, start it out
				//at the end of the transition out animation. If it has a
				//'transitionLoop' animation, that will be played as soon as a state is set
				if (transition)
					// Add the transition this will addChild on top of all the panels
					this.transition = transition;

					// Goto the fully covered state
					if (transition.gotoAndStop)

				// Goto the first state
				if (this.options.state)
					manager.state = this.options.state;
			get: function()
				return this._states;

	plugin.teardown = function()
		if (DEBUG)
			window.onkeyup = null;
		this._state = null;
		if (this.manager)
			this.manager = null;
		if (this.transition)
			if (this.display)
			this.transition = null;
