
 * @module UI
 * @namespace springroll
 * @requires Core
	var ApplicationPlugin = include('springroll.ApplicationPlugin');

	 * @class Application
	var plugin = new ApplicationPlugin(100);

	// Init the animator
	plugin.setup = function()
		var navigator = window.navigator;

		 * If the current brower is iOS
		 * @property {Boolean} isIOS
		this.isIOS =|iPad|iPod/) > -1;

		 * If the current brower is Android
		 * @property {Boolean} isAndroid
		this.isAndroid = > -1;

		 * If the current brower has touch input available
		 * @property {Boolean} hasTouch
		this.hasTouch = !!(('ontouchstart' in window) || // iOS & Android
			(navigator.msPointerEnabled && navigator.msMaxTouchPoints > 0) || // IE10
			(navigator.pointerEnabled && navigator.maxTouchPoints > 0)); // IE11+

		if (DEBUG)
			 * Manually override the check for hasTouch (unminifed library version only)
			 * @property {Boolean} options.forceTouch
			 * @default false
			this.options.add('forceTouch', false)
				.on('forceTouch', function(value)
						if (value === "true" || value === true)
							this.hasTouch = true;

			var DebugOptions = include('springroll.DebugOptions', false);
			if (DebugOptions)
				DebugOptions.boolean('forceTouch', 'Force hasTouch to true');

	// Add common filteres interaction
	plugin.preload = function(done)
		if (DEBUG)
			var value = this.options.forceTouch;
			if (value === "true" || value === true)
				this.hasTouch = true;

		// Add the interaction filters, must have interface module MobilePlugin
		if (this.filters)
			var ui = !!this.hasTouch ? '_touch' : '_mouse';
			this.filters.add('%INTERACTION%', ui);
			this.filters.add('%UI%', ui);
