springroll.pixi.AdvancedMovieClip Class

Extends PIXI.Sprite
Module: PIXI Animation

A class similar to PIXI.extras.MovieClip, but made to play animations exclusively using the Animator, with data exported by the BitmapMovieClip exporter.

Format for AdvancedMovieClip data (the same as BitmapMovieClip):

    origin:{ x: 20, y:30 },

The example object describes a 30 fps animation that is 20 frames long, and was originally myAnim0001.png->myAnim0020.png, with frame labels on the first and 16th frames. 'digits' is optional, and defaults to 4.



  • [data]
  • [atlas]


  • [data] Object optional

    Initialization data

    • [fps] Int optional

      Framerate to play the movieclip at. Omitting this will use the current framerate.

    • [labels] Object optional

      A dictionary of the labels in the movieclip to assist in playing animations.

    • [origin={x:0,y:0}] Object optional

      The origin of the movieclip.

    • [frames] Array optional

      An array of frame sequences to pull from the texture atlas.

      • [name] String optional
        The name to use for the frame sequence. This should include a "#" to be replaced with the image number.
      • [min] Int optional
        The first frame number in the frame sequence.
      • [max] Int optional
        The last frame number in the frame sequence.
      • [digits=4] Int optional
        The maximum number of digits in the names of the frames, e.g. myAnim0001 has 4 digits.
    • [scale=1] Number optional

      The scale at which the art was exported, e.g. a scale of 1.4 means the art was increased in size to 140% before exporting and should be scaled back down before drawing to the screen.

  • [atlas] springroll.pixi.TextureAtlas optional

    A TextureAtlas to pull frames from. If omitted, frames are pulled from Pixi's global texture cache.


  • [time]

Defined in advance:247

Advances the playhead. This occurs automatically each tick by default.


  • [time] Number optional

    The amount of time in milliseconds to advance by.


  • other

Defined in copyFrom:493

Copies the labels, textures, origin, and framerate from another AdvancedMovieClip. The labels and textures are copied by reference, instead of a deep copy.


  • other AdvancedMovieClip

    The movieclip to copy data from.



Defined in destroy:510

Destroys the AdvancedMovieClip.


() String

Defined in getCurrentLabel:289

Returns the name of the label on or immediately before the current frame.



The name of the current label or null if there is no label.


() Array

Defined in getEvents:278

Returns a sorted list of the labels which can be played with Animator.



A sorted array of objects with label, length and position (aka frame) properties.


() ArrayObject

Defined in getLabels:267

Returns a sorted list of the labels defined on this AdvancedMovieClip.



A sorted array of objects with label and position (aka frame) properties.


  • positionOrLabel

Defined in gotoAndStop:213

Advances this movie clip to the specified position or label.


  • positionOrLabel String | Number

    The animation or frame name to go to.


  • data
  • [atlas]

Defined in init:308

Initializes or re-initializes the AdvancedMovieClip.


  • data Object

    Initialization data

    • [fps] Int optional

      Framerate to play the movieclip at. Omitting this will use the current framerate.

    • [labels] Object optional

      A dictionary of the labels in the movieclip to assist in playing animations.

    • [origin={x:0,y:0}] Object optional

      The origin of the movieclip.

    • [frames] Array optional

      An array of frame sequences to pull from the texture atlas.

      • [name] String optional
        The name to use for the frame sequence. This should include a "#" to be replaced with the image number.
      • [min] Int optional
        The first frame number in the frame sequence.
      • [max] Int optional
        The last frame number in the frame sequence.
      • [digits=4] Int optional
        The maximum number of digits in the names of the frames, e.g. myAnim0001 has 4 digits.
    • [scale=1] Number optional

      The scale at which the art was exported, e.g. a scale of 1.4 means the art was increased in size to 140% before exporting and should be scaled back down before drawing to the screen.

  • [atlas] springroll.pixi.TextureAtlas optional

    A TextureAtlas to pull frames from. If omitted, frames are pulled from Pixi's global texture cache.


Number private

Defined in _duration:93

The total time in seconds for the animation.

Default: 0


Array private

Defined in _events:120

An array of event labels.


Number private

Defined in _framerate:83

The speed at which the AdvancedMovieClip should play.

Default: 0


Array private

Defined in _labels:112

An array of frame labels.


Number private

Defined in _t:103

The time elapsed from frame 0 in seconds.

Default: 0


Array private

Defined in _textures:128

The array of Textures that are the MovieClip's frames.



Defined in currentFrame:72

The current frame of the movieclip.

Default: 0


Number public

Defined in elapsedTime:169

When the BitmapMovieClip is framerate independent, this is the time elapsed from frame 0 in seconds.

Default: 0



Defined in framerate:145

The speed at which the AdvancedMovieClip should play.

Default: 0



Defined in totalFrames:196

(Read-Only) The total number of frames in the timeline

Default: 0