
 * @module Core
 * @namespace springroll
	// classes to import
	var TimeUtils = include('springroll.TimeUtils'),
		EventDispatcher = include('springroll.EventDispatcher'),
		ApplicationOptions = include('springroll.ApplicationOptions'),
		DelayedCall = include('springroll.DelayedCall');

	 * Application is the main entry point for using SpringRoll, creating
	 * an application allows the creation of displays and adding of module
	 * functionality (e.g. sound, captions, etc). All timing and asynchronous
	 * events should be handled by the Application to control the play
	 * and pause. Any update, Ticker-type functions, should use the Applications
	 * update event.
	 *	var app = new Application();
	 * @class Application
	 * @extends springroll.EventDispatcher
	 * @constructor
	 * @param {Object} [options] The options for creating the application,
	 * 		see `springroll.ApplicationOptions` for the specific options
	 *		that can be overridden and set.
	 * @param {Function} [init=null] The callback when initialized
	var Application = function(options, init)
		if (_instance)
			throw "Only one Application can be opened at a time";
		_instance = this;;

		 * Initialization options/query string parameters, these properties are read-only
		 * Application properties like raf, fps, don't have any affect on the options object.
		 * @property {springroll.ApplicationOptions} options
		 * @readOnly
		this.options = new ApplicationOptions(this, options);

		 * Primary renderer for the application, for simply accessing
		 * Application.instance.display.stage;
		 * The first display added becomes the primary display automatically.
		 * @property {Display} display
		 * @public
		this.display = null;

		 * Override this to do post constructor initialization
		 * @property {Function} init
		this.init = init || null;

		 * The preload progress
		 * @property {springroll.AssetLoad} pluginLoad
		 * @protected
		this.pluginLoad = null;

		// Reset the displays
		_displaysMap = {};
		_displays = [];

		// Add the _tick bind
		_tickCallback = this._tick.bind(this);

		// Call any global libraries to initialize

		// Options are initialized after plugins
		// so plugins can define their own options

		 * The name of the game, useful for debugging purposes
		 * @property {String} name
		 * @default ""
		 */ =;

		//other initialization stuff too
		//if there are some specific properties on the options, use them to make a display
		//call init after handling loading up a versions file or any other needed asynchronous
		setTimeout(this._preInit.bind(this), 0);

	 * The current version of the library
	 * @property {String} version
	 * @static
	 * @readOnly
	Application.version = VERSION;

	// Reference to the prototype
	var s = EventDispatcher.prototype;
	var p = EventDispatcher.extend(Application);

	 * The collection of function references to call when initializing the application
	 * these are registered by external modules.
	 * @property {Array} _plugins
	 * @private
	 * @static
	Application._plugins = [];

	 * The number of ms since the last frame update
	 * @private
	 * @property {int} _lastFrameTime
	var _lastFrameTime = 0,

		 * The bound callback for listening to tick events
		 * @private
		 * @property {Function} _tickCallback
		_tickCallback = null,

		 * If the current application is paused
		 * @private
		 * @property {Boolean} _paused
		_paused = false,

		 * If the current application is enabled
		 * @private
		 * @property {Boolean} _enabled
		_enabled = true,

		 * The id of the active requestAnimationFrame or setTimeout call.
		 * @property {Number} _tickId
		 * @private
		_tickId = -1,

		 * If requestionAnimationFrame should be used
		 * @private
		 * @property {Bool} _useRAF
		 * @default false
		_useRAF = false,

		 * The number of milliseconds per frame
		 * @property {int} _msPerFrame
		 * @private
		_msPerFrame = 0,

		 * The collection of displays
		 * @property {Array} _displays
		 * @private
		_displays = null,

		 * The displays by canvas id
		 * @property {Object} _displaysMap
		 * @private
		_displaysMap = null;

	 * Fired when initialization of the application is ready
	 * @event init

	 * The handler for the plugin progress
	 * @event pluginProgress

	 * Fired when initialization of the application is done
	 * @event afterInit

	 * Fired when before initialization of the application
	 * @event beforeInit

	 * Fired when an update is called, every frame update
	 * @event update
	 * @param {int} elasped The number of milliseconds since the last frame update

	 * Fired when the pause state is toggled
	 * @event pause
	 * @param {boolean} paused If the application is now paused

	 * When a display is added.
	 * @event displayAdded
	 * @param {springroll.AbstractDisplay} [display] The current display being added

	 * When a display is removed.
	 * @event displayRemoved
	 * @param {string} [displayId] The display alias

	 * Fired when the application becomes paused
	 * @event paused

	 * Fired when the application resumes from a paused state
	 * @event resumed

	 * Fired when the application is destroyed
	 * @event destroy

	 * Get the singleton instance of the application
	 * @property {Application} instance
	 * @static
	 * @public
	var _instance = null;
	Object.defineProperty(Application, "instance",
		get: function()
			return _instance;

	 * The internal initialization
	 * @method _preInit
	 * @private
	p._preInit = function()
		if (this.destroyed) return;

		var options = this.options;

		_useRAF = options.raf;
		options.on('raf', function(value)
			_useRAF = value;

		options.on('fps', function(value)
			if (typeof value != "number") return;
			_msPerFrame = (1000 / value) | 0;

		//add the initial display if specified
		if (options.canvasId && options.display)

		var tasks = [];

		// Add the plugin ready functions to the list
		// of async tasks to start-up
			if (plugin.preload)

		// Run the asyncronous tasks in series
		this.pluginLoad = this.load(tasks,
			complete: this._doInit.bind(this),
			progress: onPluginProgress.bind(this),
			autoStart: false,
			startAll: false

		// Manually start load

	 * Progress handler for the plugin load
	 * @method onPluginProgress
	 * @private
	 * @param {Number} progress Plugins preloaded amount from 0 - 1
	var onPluginProgress = function(progress)
		this.trigger('pluginProgress', progress);

	 * Initialize the application
	 * @method _doInit
	 * @protected
	p._doInit = function()
		if (this.destroyed) return;

		this.pluginLoad = null;


		//start update loop
		this.paused = false;

		// Dispatch the init event

		// Call the init function, bind to app
		if (this.init);


	 * Enables at the application level which enables
	 * and disables all the displays.
	 * @property {Boolean} enabled
	 * @default true
	Object.defineProperty(p, "enabled",
		set: function(enabled)
			_enabled = enabled;
				display.enabled = enabled;
		get: function()
			return _enabled;

	 * Manual pause for the entire application, this suspends
	 * anything driving the the application update events. Include
	 * Animator, Captions, Sound and other media playback.
	 * @property {Boolean} paused
	Object.defineProperty(p, "paused",
		get: function()
			return _paused;
		set: function(value)
			_paused = !!value;

	 * Handle the internal pause of the application
	 * @protected
	 * @method internalPaused
	 * @param  {Boolean} paused If the application should be paused or not
	p.internalPaused = function(paused)
		this.trigger('pause', paused);
		this.trigger(paused ? 'paused' : 'resumed', paused);

		if (paused)
			if (_tickId != -1)
				if (_useRAF)
				_tickId = -1;
			if (_tickId == -1 && _tickCallback)
				_lastFrameTime =;
				_tickId = _useRAF ?
					requestAnimFrame(_tickCallback) :

	 * Makes a setTimeout with a time based on _msPerFrame and the amount of time spent in the
	 * current tick.
	 * @method setTargetedTimeout
	 * @param {Function} callback The tick function to call.
	 * @param {int} timeInFrame=0 The amount of time spent in the current tick in milliseconds.
	 * @private
	var setTargetedTimeout = function(callback, timeInFrame)
		var timeToCall = _msPerFrame;
		//subtract the time spent in the frame to actually hit the target fps
		if (timeInFrame)
			timeToCall = Math.max(0, _msPerFrame - timeInFrame);
		return setTimeout(callback, timeToCall);

	 * Add a display. If this is the first display added, then it will be stored as this.display.
	 * @method addDisplay
	 * @param {String} id The id of the canvas element, this will be used to grab the Display later
	 *                   also the Display should be the one to called document.getElementById(id)
	 *                   and not the application sinc we don't care about the DOMElement as this
	 *                   point
	 * @param {function} displayConstructor The function to call to create the display instance
	 * @param {Object} [options] Optional Display specific options
	 * @return {Display} The created display.
	p.addDisplay = function(id, displayConstructor, options)
		if (_displaysMap[id])
			throw "Display exists with id '" + id + "'";
		// Creat the display
		var display = new displayConstructor(id, options);

		// Add it to the collections
		_displaysMap[id] = display;

		// Inherit the enabled state from the application
		display.enabled = _enabled;

		if (!this.display)
			this.display = display;
		this.trigger('displayAdded', display);
		return display;

	 * Get all the displays
	 * @property {Array} displays
	 * @readOnly
	Object.defineProperty(p, 'displays',
		get: function()
			return _displays;

	 * Gets a specific renderer by the canvas id.
	 * @method getDisplay
	 * @param {String} id The id of the canvas
	 * @return {Display} The requested display.
	p.getDisplay = function(id)
		return _displaysMap[id];

	 * Removes and destroys a display
	 * @method removeDisplay
	 * @param {String} id The Display's id (also the canvas ID)
	p.removeDisplay = function(id)
		var display = _displaysMap[id];
		if (display)
			_displays.splice(_displays.indexOf(display), 1);
			delete _displaysMap[id];
			this.trigger('displayRemoved', id);

	 * _tick would be bound in _tickCallback
	 * @method _tick
	 * @private
	p._tick = function()
		if (_paused)
			_tickId = -1;

		var now =;
		var elapsed = now - _lastFrameTime;
		_lastFrameTime = now;

		//trigger the update event
		this.trigger('update', elapsed);

		//then update all displays
		//displays may be null if a tick happens while we are in the process of destroying
		if (_displays)
			for (var i = 0; i < _displays.length; i++)

		//request the next tick
		//request the next animation frame
		if (_tickCallback)
			_tickId = _useRAF ?
				requestAnimFrame(_tickCallback) :
				setTargetedTimeout(_tickCallback, - _lastFrameTime);

	 * Works just like `window.setTimeout` but respects the pause
	 * state of the Application.
	 * @method  setTimeout
	 * @param {Function} callback    The callback function, passes one argument which is the DelayedCall instance
	 * @param {int}   delay       The time in milliseconds or the number of frames (useFrames must be true)
	 * @param {Boolean}   [useFrames=false]   If the delay is frames (true) or millseconds (false)
	 * @param {[type]}   [autoDestroy=true] If the DelayedCall object should be destroyed after completing
	 * @return {springroll.DelayedCall} The object for pausing, restarting, destroying etc.
	p.setTimeout = function(callback, delay, useFrames, autoDestroy)
		return new DelayedCall(callback, delay, false, autoDestroy, useFrames);

	 * Works just like `window.setInterval` but respects the pause
	 * state of the Application.
	 * @method  setInterval
	 * @param {Function} callback    The callback function, passes one argument which is the DelayedCall instance
	 * @param {int}   delay       The time in milliseconds or the number of frames (useFrames must be true)
	 * @param {Boolean}   [useFrames=false]   If the delay is frames (true) or millseconds (false)
	 * @return {springroll.DelayedCall} The object for pausing, restarting, destroying etc.
	p.setInterval = function(callback, delay, useFrames)
		return new DelayedCall(callback, delay, true, false, useFrames);

	 * Destroys the application and all active displays and plugins
	 * @method destroy
	p.destroy = function()
		// Only destroy the application once
		if (this.destroyed) return;

		this.paused = true;

		// Destroy in the reverse priority order
		var plugins = Application._plugins.slice().reverse();


		_displays = null;
		_displaysMap = null;

		_instance =
			_tickCallback = null;

		this.display = null;
		this.options = null;;

	 * The toString debugging method
	 * @method toString
	 * @return {String} The reprsentation of this class
	p.toString = function()
		return "[Application name='" + + "']";

	// Add to the name space
	namespace('springroll').Application = Application;
