
 * @module EaselJS States
 * @namespace springroll.easeljs
 * @requires Core, States, UI, Sound, EaselJS Display, EaselJS UI
	//Import classes
	var Container = include('createjs.Container'),

	 * Panel with convenience properties to the config, background and app.
	 * @class BasePanel
	 * @extends createjs.Container
	 * @constructor
	var BasePanel = function()
		if (!Application)
			Application = include('springroll.Application');
			DwellTimer = include('springroll.easeljs.DwellTimer', false);

		 * Reference to the app
		 * @property {Application} app
		 */ = Application.instance;

		 * Reference to the app's config
		 * @property {object} config
		this.config =;

		 * All panel should probably have a background image
		 * @property {createjs.Bitmap} background
		this.background = null;

	//Extend the container
	var p = extend(BasePanel, Container);

	 * Should be called whenever a state enters this panel, Implementation-specific
	 * @method setup
	p.setup = function()
		//Implementation specific

	 * Should be called whenever a state exits this panel, the default
	 * behavior is to remove all children of the panel. It will stop
	 * any movieclip, destroy any objects, remove DwellTimers, etc.
	 * @method teardown
	p.teardown = function()
		var children = this.children.slice();
		this.cleanupChildren.apply(this, children);

	 * Removes a collection of objects from the stage and destroys them if we cant.
	 * @example this.removeChildren(this.skipButton, this.character);
	 * @method cleanupChildren
	 * @param {array|*} children Assets to clean can either be individual children or collections of children
	p.cleanupChildren = function(children)
		var child, i, j, len = arguments.length;

		for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
			child = arguments[i];

			// Check for null/undefined arguments
			if (!child) continue;

			// test the current argument to see if itself is
			// an array, if it is, run .cleanupChildren() recursively
			if (Array.isArray(child) && child.length > 0)
				this.cleanupChildren.apply(this, child);

			// If there's a dwell timer remove it
			if (DwellTimer) DwellTimer.destroy(child);

			// If there's an animation playing stop it
			if (, true);

			// Stop movie clips
			if (child.stop) child.stop();

			// Destroy anything with a destroy method
			if (child.destroy) child.destroy();

			// Recurisvely remove all children
			if (child.removeAllChildren) child.removeAllChildren(true);

			// Remove from this container
			if (this.contains(child)) this.removeChild(child);

	 * Destroy and don't use after this
	 * @method destroy
	p.destroy = function()
	{ = null;
		this.config = null;
		this.background = null;


	//Assign to namespace
	namespace('springroll.easeljs').BasePanel = BasePanel;