
 * @module EaselJS UI
 * @namespace springroll.easeljs
 * @requires Core, EaselJS Display

	var Debug,
		Rectangle = include('createjs.Rectangle'),
		Container = include('createjs.Container'),
		ColorMatrix = include('createjs.ColorMatrix'),
		ColorFilter = include('createjs.ColorFilter'),
		ColorMatrixFilter = include('createjs.ColorMatrixFilter'),
		Text = include('createjs.Text'),
		Event = include('createjs.Event'),
		Point = include('createjs.Point'),
		Bitmap = include('createjs.Bitmap');

	 * A Multipurpose button class. It is designed to have one image, and an optional text label.
	 * The button can be a normal button or a selectable button.
	 * The button functions similarly with both EaselJS and PIXI, but slightly differently in
	 * initialization and callbacks. Add event listeners for click and mouseover to know about
	 * button clicks and mouse overs, respectively.
	 * @class Button
	 * @extends createjs.Container
	 * @constructor
	 * @param {Object|Image|HTMLCanvasElement} [imageSettings] Information about the art to be used
	 *                                                     for button states, as well as if the
	 *                                                     button is selectable or not. If this
	 *                                                     is an Image or Canvas element, then
	 *                                                     the button assumes that the image is
	 *                                                     full width and 3 images tall, in the
	 *                                                     order (top to bottom) up, over, down.
	 *                                                     If so, then the properties of
	 *                                                     imageSettings are ignored.
	 * @param {Image|HTMLCanvasElement} [imageSettings.image] The image to use for all of the button
	 *                                                    states.
	 * @param {Array} [imageSettings.priority=null] The state priority order. If omitted, defaults to
	 *                                          <code>&#91;"disabled", "down", "over",
	 *                                          "up"&#93;</code>. Previous versions of Button
	 *                                          used a hard coded order:
	 *                                          <code>&#91;"highlighted", "disabled", "down",
	 *                                          "over", "selected", "up"&#93;</code>.
	 * @param {Object} [imageSettings.up] The visual information about the up state.
	 * @param {createjs.Rectangle} [imageSettings.up.src] The sourceRect for the state within the
	 *                                                image.
	 * @param {createjs.Rectangle} [imageSettings.up.trim=null] Trim data about the state, where x &
	 *                                                      y are how many pixels were trimmed
	 *                                                      off the left and right, and height &
	 *                                                      width are the untrimmed size of the
	 *                                                      button.
	 * @param {Object} [imageSettings.up.label=null] Label information specific to this state.
	 *                                           Properties on this parameter override data in
	 *                                           the label parameter for this button state only.
	 *                                           All values except "text" from the label
	 *                                           parameter may be overridden.
	 * @param {Object} [imageSettings.over=null] The visual information about the over state. If
	 *                                       omitted, uses the up state.
	 * @param {createjs.Rectangle} [imageSettings.over.src] The sourceRect for the state within the
	 *                                                  image.
	 * @param {createjs.Rectangle} [imageSettings.over.trim=null] Trim data about the state, where x
	 *                                                        & y are how many pixels were
	 *                                                        trimmed off the left and right, and
	 *                                                        height & width are the untrimmed
	 *                                                        size of the button.
	 * @param {Object} [imageSettings.over.label=null] Label information specific to this state.
	 *                                             Properties on this parameter override data in
	 *                                             the label parameter for this button state
	 *                                             only. All values except "text" from the label
	 *                                             parameter may be overridden.
	 * @param {Object} [imageSettings.down=null] The visual information about the down state. If
	 *                                       omitted, uses the up state.
	 * @param {createjs.Rectangle} [imageSettings.down.src] The sourceRect for the state within the
	 *                                                  image.
	 * @param {createjs.Rectangle} [imageSettings.down.trim=null] Trim data about the state, where x
	 *                                                        & y are how many pixels were
	 *                                                        trimmed off the left and right, and
	 *                                                        height & width are the untrimmed
	 *                                                        size of the button.
	 * @param {Object} [imageSettings.down.label=null] Label information specific to this state.
	 *                                             Properties on this parameter override data in
	 *                                             the label parameter for this button state
	 *                                             only. All values except "text" from the label
	 *                                             parameter may be overridden.
	 * @param {Object} [imageSettings.disabled=null] The visual information about the disabled state.
	 *                                           If omitted, uses the up state.
	 * @param {createjs.Rectangle} [imageSettings.disabled.src] The sourceRect for the state within
	 *                                                      the image.
	 * @param {createjs.Rectangle} [imageSettings.disabled.trim=null] Trim data about the state,
	 *                                                            where x & y are how many pixels
	 *                                                            were trimmed off the left and
	 *                                                            right, and height & width are
	 *                                                            the untrimmed size of the
	 *                                                            button.
	 * @param {Object} [imageSettings.disabled.label=null] Label information specific to this state.
	 *                                                 Properties on this parameter override data
	 *                                                 in the label parameter for this button
	 *                                                 state only. All values except "text" from
	 *                                                 the label parameter may be overridden.
	 * @param {Object} [imageSettings.<yourCustomState>=null] The visual information about a custom
	 *                                                    state found in imageSettings.priority.
	 *                                                    Any state added this way has a property
	 *                                                    of the same name added to the button.
	 *                                                    Examples of previous states that have
	 *                                                    been moved to this system are
	 *                                                    "selected" and "highlighted".
	 * @param {createjs.Rectangle} [imageSettings.<yourCustomState>.src] The sourceRect for the state
	 *                                                               within the image.
	 * @param {createjs.Rectangle} [imageSettings.<yourCustomState>.trim=null] Trim data about the
	 *                                                                     state, where x & y are
	 *                                                                     how many pixels were
	 *                                                                     trimmed off the left
	 *                                                                     and right, and height
	 *                                                                     & width are the
	 *                                                                     untrimmed size of the
	 *                                                                     button.
	 * @param {Object} [imageSettings.<yourCustomState>.label=null] Label information specific to
	 *                                                          this state. Properties on this
	 *                                                          parameter override data in the
	 *                                                          label parameter for this button
	 *                                                          state only. All values except
	 *                                                          "text" from the label parameter
	 *                                                          may be overridden.
	 * @param {createjs.Point} [imageSettings.origin=null] An optional offset for all button
	 *                                                 graphics, in case you want button
	 *                                                 positioning to not include a highlight
	 *                                                 glow, or any other reason you would want
	 *                                                 to offset the button art and label.
	 * @param {Object} [label=null] Information about the text label on the button. Omitting this
	 *                          makes the button not use a label.
	 * @param {String} [label.text] The text to display on the label.
	 * @param {String} [label.font] The font name and size to use on the label, as createjs.Text
	 *                          expects.
	 * @param {String} [label.color] The color of the text to use on the label, as createjs.Text
	 *                           expects.
	 * @param {String} [label.textBaseline="middle"] The baseline for the label text, as
	 *                                           createjs.Text expects.
	 * @param {Object} [label.stroke=null] The stroke to use for the label text, if desired, as
	 *                                 createjs.Text (springroll fork only) expects.
	 * @param {createjs.Shadow} [label.shadow=null] A shadow object to apply to the label text.
	 * @param {String|Number} [label.x="center"] An x position to place the label text at relative to
	 *                                       the button. If omitted, "center" is used, which
	 *                                       attempts to horizontally center the label on the
	 *                                       button.
	 * @param {String|Number} [label.y="center"] A y position to place the label text at relative to
	 *                                       the button. If omitted, "center" is used, which
	 *                                       attempts to vertically center the label on the
	 *                                       button. This may be unreliable - see documentation
	 *                                       for createjs.Text.getMeasuredLineHeight().
	 * @param {Boolean} [enabled=true] Whether or not the button is initially enabled.
	var Button = function(imageSettings, label, enabled)
		Debug = include('springroll.Debug', false);
		if (!imageSettings && DEBUG)
			throw "springroll.easeljs.Button requires an image as the first parameter";

		 * The sprite that is the body of the button.
		 * @public
		 * @property {createjs.Bitmap} back
		 * @readOnly
		this.back = null;

		 * The text field of the button. The label is centered by both width and height on the
		 * button.
		 * @public
		 * @property {createjs.Text} label
		 * @readOnly
		this.label = null;

		//===callbacks for mouse/touch events
		 * Callback for mouse over, bound to this button.
		 * @private
		 * @property {Function} _overCB
		this._overCB = this._onMouseOver.bind(this);

		 * Callback for mouse out, bound to this button.
		 * @private
		 * @property {Function} _outCB
		this._outCB = this._onMouseOut.bind(this);

		 * Callback for mouse down, bound to this button.
		 * @private
		 * @property {Function} _downCB
		this._downCB = this._onMouseDown.bind(this);

		 * Callback for press up, bound to this button.
		 * @private
		 * @property {Function} _upCB
		this._upCB = this._onMouseUp.bind(this);

		 * Callback for click, bound to this button.
		 * @private
		 * @property {Function} _clickCB
		this._clickCB = this._onClick.bind(this);

		 * A dictionary of state booleans, keyed by state name.
		 * @private
		 * @property {Object} _stateFlags
		this._stateFlags = {};

		 * An array of state names (Strings), in their order of priority.
		 * The standard order previously was
		 * ["highlighted", "disabled", "down", "over", "selected", "up"].
		 * @private
		 * @property {Array} _statePriority
		this._statePriority = null;

		 * A dictionary of state graphic data, keyed by state name.
		 * Each object contains the sourceRect (src) and optionally 'trim', another Rectangle.
		 * Additionally, each object will contain a 'label' object if the button has a text label.
		 * @private
		 * @property {Object} _stateData
		this._stateData = {};

		 * The width of the button art, independent of the scaling of the button itself.
		 * @private
		 * @property {Number} _width
		this._width = 0;

		 * The height of the button art, independent of the scaling of the button itself.
		 * @private
		 * @property {Number} _height
		this._height = 0;

		 * An offset to button positioning, generally used to adjust for a highlight around the
		 * button.
		 * @private
		 * @property {createjs.Point} _offset
		this._offset = new Point();

		//Actual constructor stuff from here on out, not just property definitions

		//input events should have this button as a target, not the child Bitmap.
		this.mouseChildren = false;

		var _stateData = this._stateData;

		//a clone of the label data to use as a default value, without changing the original
		var labelData;
		if (label)
			labelData = clone(label);
			delete labelData.text;
			if (labelData.x === undefined)
				labelData.x = "center";
			if (labelData.y === undefined)
				labelData.y = "center";

		var image, width, height, i, state;
		if (imageSettings.image) //is a settings object with rectangles
			image = imageSettings.image;
			this._statePriority = imageSettings.priority || DEFAULT_PRIORITY;

			//each rects object has a src property (createjs.Rectangle), and optionally a trim
			var inputData, stateLabel;
			//start at the end to start at the up state
			for (i = this._statePriority.length - 1; i >= 0; --i)
				state = this._statePriority[i];
				//set up the property for the state so it can be set - the function will ignore
				//reserved states
				//set the default value for the state flag
				if (state != "disabled" && state != "up")
					this._stateFlags[state] = false;
				inputData = imageSettings[state];
				//it's established that over, down, and particularly disabled default to the up
				_stateData[state] = inputData ? clone(inputData) : _stateData.up;
				//set up the label info for this state
				if (label)
					//if there is actual label data for this state, use that
					if (inputData && inputData.label)
						inputData = inputData.label;
						stateLabel = _stateData[state].label = {};
						stateLabel.font = inputData.font || labelData.font;
						stateLabel.color = inputData.color || labelData.color;
						stateLabel.stroke = inputData.hasOwnProperty("stroke") ? inputData.stroke :
						stateLabel.shadow = inputData.hasOwnProperty("shadow") ? inputData.shadow :
						stateLabel.textBaseline = inputData.textBaseline || labelData.textBaseline;
						stateLabel.x = inputData.x || labelData.x;
						stateLabel.y = inputData.y || labelData.y;
					//otherwise use the default
						_stateData[state].label = labelData;

			if (_stateData.up.trim) //if the texture is trimmed, use that for the sizing
				var upTrim = _stateData.up.trim;
				width = upTrim.width;
				height = upTrim.height;
			else //texture is not trimmed and is full size
				width = _stateData.up.src.width;
				height = _stateData.up.src.height;
			//ensure that our required states exist
			if (!_stateData.up)
				if (DEBUG && Debug)
					Debug.error("Button lacks an up state! This is a serious problem! Input data follows:");
			if (!_stateData.over)
				_stateData.over = _stateData.up;
			if (!_stateData.down)
				_stateData.down = _stateData.up;
			if (!_stateData.disabled)
				_stateData.disabled = _stateData.up;
			//set up the offset
			if (imageSettings.offset)
				this._offset.x = imageSettings.offset.x;
				this._offset.y = imageSettings.offset.y;
				this._offset.x = this._offset.y = 0;
		else //imageSettings is just an image to use directly - use the old stacked images method
			image = imageSettings;
			width = image.width;
			height = image.height / 3;
			this._statePriority = DEFAULT_PRIORITY;
			_stateData.disabled = _stateData.up = {
				src: new Rectangle(0, 0, width, height)
			_stateData.over = {
				src: new Rectangle(0, height, width, height)
			_stateData.down = {
				src: new Rectangle(0, height * 2, width, height)
			if (labelData)
				_stateData.up.label =
					_stateData.over.label =
					_stateData.down.label =
					_stateData.disabled.label = labelData;
			this._offset.x = this._offset.y = 0;

		this.back = new Bitmap(image);
		this._width = width;
		this._height = height;

		if (label)
			this.label = new Text(label.text || "", _stateData.up.label.font, _stateData.up.label.color);

		//set the button state initially
		this.enabled = enabled === undefined ? true : !!enabled;

	// Extend Container
	var p = extend(Button, Container);
	var s = Container.prototype; //super

	 * An event for when the button is pressed (while enabled).
	 * @static
	 * @property {String} BUTTON_PRESS
	Button.BUTTON_PRESS = "buttonPress";

	 * An event for when the button is moused over (while enabled).
	 * @static
	 * @property {String} BUTTON_OVER
	Button.BUTTON_OVER = "buttonOver";

	 * An event for when the button is moused out (while enabled).
	 * @static
	 * @property {String} BUTTON_OUT
	Button.BUTTON_OUT = "buttonOut";

	 * A list of state names that should not have properties autogenerated.
	 * @private
	 * @static
	 * @property {Array} RESERVED_STATES
	var RESERVED_STATES = ["disabled", "enabled", "up", "over", "down"];
	 * A state priority list to use as the default.
	 * @private
	 * @static
	 * @property {Array} DEFAULT_PRIORITY
	var DEFAULT_PRIORITY = ["disabled", "down", "over", "up"];

	 * A simple function for making a shallow copy of an object.
	function clone(obj)
		if (!obj || "object" != typeof obj) return null;
		var copy = obj.constructor();
		if (!copy)
			copy = {};
		for (var attr in obj)
			if (obj.hasOwnProperty(attr))
				copy[attr] = obj[attr];
		return copy;

	 * The width of the button, based on the width of back. This value is affected by scale.
	 * @property {Number} width
	Object.defineProperty(p, "width",
		get: function()
			return this._width * this.scaleX;
		set: function(value)
			this.scaleX = value / this._width;

	 * The height of the button, based on the height of back. This value is affected by scale.
	 * @property {Number} height
	Object.defineProperty(p, "height",
		get: function()
			return this._height * this.scaleY;
		set: function(value)
			this.scaleY = value / this._height;

	 * Sets the text of the label. This does nothing if the button was not initialized with a label.
	 * @public
	 * @method setText
	 * @param {String} text The text to set the label to.
	p.setText = function(text)
		if (this.label)
			this.label.text = text;
			var data;
			for (var i = 0, len = this._statePriority.length; i < len; ++i)
				if (this._stateFlags[this._statePriority[i]])
					data = this._stateData[this._statePriority[i]];
			if (!data)
				data = this._stateData.up;
			data = data.label;
			if (data.x == "center")
				this.label.x = (this._width - this.label.getMeasuredWidth()) * 0.5 + this._offset.x;
				this.label.x = data.x + this._offset.x;
			if (data.y == "center")
				this.label.y = this._height * 0.5 + this._offset.y;
				this.label.y = data.y + this._offset.y;

	 * Whether or not the button is enabled.
	 * @property {Boolean} enabled
	 * @default true
	Object.defineProperty(p, "enabled",
		get: function()
			return !this._stateFlags.disabled;
		set: function(value)
			this._stateFlags.disabled = !value;

			if (value)
				this.cursor = 'pointer';
				this.addEventListener('mousedown', this._downCB);
				this.addEventListener('mouseover', this._overCB);
				this.addEventListener('mouseout', this._outCB);
				this.cursor = null;
				this.removeEventListener('mousedown', this._downCB);
				this.removeEventListener('mouseover', this._overCB);
				this.removeEventListener('mouseout', this._outCB);
				this.removeEventListener('pressup', this._upCB);
				this.removeEventListener("click", this._clickCB);
				this._stateFlags.down = this._stateFlags.over = false;

		configurable: true

	 * Adds a property to the button. Setting the property sets the value in
	 * _stateFlags and calls _updateState().
	 * @private
	 * @method _addProperty
	 * @param {String} propertyName The property name to add to the button.
	p._addProperty = function(propertyName)
		//check to make sure we don't add reserved names
		if (RESERVED_STATES.indexOf(propertyName) >= 0) return;

		if (DEBUG && Debug && this[propertyName] !== undefined)
			Debug.error("Adding property %s to button is dangerous, as property already exists with that name!", propertyName);

		Object.defineProperty(this, propertyName,
			get: function()
				return this._stateFlags[propertyName];
			set: function(value)
				this._stateFlags[propertyName] = value;

	 * Updates back based on the current button state.
	 * @private
	 * @method _updateState
	 * @return {Object} The state data for the active button state, so that subclasses can use the
	 *                  value picked by this function without needing to calculate it themselves.
	p._updateState = function()
		var back = this.back;
		if (!back) return;
		var data;
		//use the highest priority state
		for (var i = 0, len = this._statePriority.length; i < len; ++i)
			if (this._stateFlags[this._statePriority[i]])
				data = this._stateData[this._statePriority[i]];
		//if no state is active, use the up state
		if (!data)
			data = this._stateData.up;
		//set up the source rect for just that button state
		back.sourceRect = data.src;
		//if the image was rotated in a TextureAtlas, account for that
		if (data.rotated)
			back.rotation = -90;
			back.regX = back.sourceRect.width;
			back.rotation = back.regX = 0;
		//position the button back
		if (data.trim)
			back.x = data.trim.x + this._offset.x;
			back.y = data.trim.y + this._offset.y;
			back.x = this._offset.x;
			back.y = this._offset.y;
		var label = this.label;
		//if we have a label, update that too
		if (label)
			var lData = data.label;
			//update the text properties
			label.textBaseline = lData.textBaseline || "middle"; //Middle is easy to center
			label.stroke = lData.stroke;
			label.shadow = lData.shadow;
			label.font = lData.font;
			label.color = lData.color || "#000"; //default for createjs.Text
			//position the text
			if (lData.x == "center")
				label.x = (this._width - label.getMeasuredWidth()) * 0.5 + this._offset.x;
				label.x = lData.x + this._offset.x;
			if (lData.y == "center")
				label.y = this._height * 0.5 + this._offset.y;
				label.y = lData.y + this._offset.y;
		return data;

	 * The callback for when the button receives a mouse down event.
	 * @private
	 * @method _onMouseDown
	p._onMouseDown = function(e)
		this.addEventListener('pressup', this._upCB);
		this.addEventListener("click", this._clickCB);
		this._stateFlags.down = true;

	 * The callback for when the button for when the mouse/touch is released on the button
	 * - only when the button was held down initially.
	 * @private
	 * @method _onMouseUp
	p._onMouseUp = function(e)
		this.removeEventListener('pressup', this._upCB);
		this.removeEventListener("click", this._clickCB);
		this._stateFlags.down = false;
		//if the over flag is true, then the mouse was released while on the button, thus being a click

	 * The callback for when the button the button is clicked or tapped on. This is
	 * the most reliable way of detecting mouse up/touch end events that are on this button
	 * while letting the pressup event handle the mouse up/touch ends on and outside the button.
	 * @private
	 * @method _onClick
	p._onClick = function(e)
		this.dispatchEvent(new Event(Button.BUTTON_PRESS));

	 * The callback for when the button is moused over.
	 * @private
	 * @method _onMouseOver
	p._onMouseOver = function(e)
		this._stateFlags.over = true;

		this.dispatchEvent(new Event(Button.BUTTON_OVER));

	 * The callback for when the mouse leaves the button area.
	 * @private
	 * @method _onMouseOut
	p._onMouseOut = function(e)
		this._stateFlags.over = false;

		this.dispatchEvent(new Event(Button.BUTTON_OUT));

	 * Destroys the button.
	 * @public
	 * @method destroy
	p.destroy = function()
		this._downCB = null;
		this._upCB = null;
		this._overCB = null;
		this._outCB = null;
		this.back = null;
		this.label = null;
		this._statePriority = null;
		this._stateFlags = null;
		this._stateData = null;

	 * Generates a desaturated up state as a disabled state, and an update with a solid colored
	 * glow for a highlighted state.
	 * @method generateDefaultStates
	 * @static
	 * @param {Image|HTMLCanvasElement} image The image to use for all of the button states, in the
	 *                                        standard up/over/down format.
	 * @param {Object} [disabledSettings] The settings object for the disabled state. If omitted, no
	 *                                    disabled state is created.
	 * @param {Number} [disabledSettings.saturation] The saturation adjustment for the disabled
	 *                                               state. 100 is fully saturated, 0 is unchanged,
	 *                                               -100 is desaturated.
	 * @param {Number} [disabledSettings.brightness] The brightness adjustment for the disabled
	 *                                               state. 100 is fully bright, 0 is unchanged,
	 *                                               -100 is completely dark.
	 * @param {Number} [disabledSettings.contrast] The contrast adjustment for the disabled state.
	 *                                             100 is full contrast, 0 is unchanged, -100 is no
	 *                                             contrast.
	 * @param {Object} [highlightSettings] The settings object for the highlight state. If omitted,
	 *                                     no state is created.
	 * @param {Number} [highlightSettings.size] How many pixels to make the glow, eg 8 for an
	 *                                          8 pixel increase on each side.
	 * @param {Number} [] The red value for the glow, from 0 to 255.
	 * @param {Number} [] The green value for the glow, from 0 to 255.
	 * @param {Number} [] The blue value for the glow, from 0 to 255.
	 * @param {Number} [highlightSettings.alpha=255] The alpha value for the glow, from 0 to 255,
	 *                                               with 0 being transparent and 255 fully opaque.
	 * @param {Array} [highlightSettings.rgba] An array of values to use for red, green, blue, and
	 *                                         optionally alpha that can be used instead of
	 *                                         providing separate properties on highlightSettings.
	 * @return {Object} An object for use as the 'imageSettings' parameter on a new Button.
	Button.generateDefaultStates = function(image, disabledSettings, highlightSettings)
		//figure out the normal button size
		var buttonWidth = image.width;
		var buttonHeight = image.height / 3;
		//create a canvas element and size it
		var canvas = document.createElement("canvas");
		var width = buttonWidth;
		var height = image.height;
		if (disabledSettings)
			height += buttonHeight;
		if (highlightSettings)
			width += highlightSettings.size * 2;
			height += buttonHeight + highlightSettings.size * 2;
			if (highlightSettings.rgba)
			{ = highlightSettings.rgba[0]; = highlightSettings.rgba[1]; = highlightSettings.rgba[2];

				if (highlightSettings.rgba[3])
					highlightSettings.alpha = highlightSettings.rgba[3];
		canvas.width = width;
		canvas.height = height;
		//get the drawing context
		var context = canvas.getContext("2d");
		//draw the image to it
		context.drawImage(image, 0, 0);
		//start setting up the output
		var output = {
			image: canvas,
				src: new Rectangle(0, 0, buttonWidth, buttonHeight)
				src: new Rectangle(0, buttonHeight, buttonWidth, buttonHeight)
				src: new Rectangle(0, buttonHeight * 2, buttonWidth, buttonHeight)
		//set up a bitmap to draw other states with
		var drawingBitmap = new Bitmap(image);
		drawingBitmap.sourceRect = output.up.src;
		//set up a y position for where the next state should go in the canvas
		var nextY = image.height;
		if (disabledSettings)
			//position the button to draw
			context.translate(0, nextY);
			//set up the desaturation matrix
			var matrix = new ColorMatrix();
			if (disabledSettings.saturation !== undefined)
			if (disabledSettings.brightness !== undefined)
				//convert to EaselJS's -255->255 system from -100->100
				matrix.adjustBrightness(disabledSettings.brightness * 2.55);
			if (disabledSettings.contrast !== undefined)
			drawingBitmap.filters = [new ColorMatrixFilter(matrix)];
			//draw the state
			drawingBitmap.cache(0, 0, output.up.src.width, output.up.src.height);
			//update the output with the state
			output.disabled = {
				src: new Rectangle(0, nextY, buttonWidth | 0, buttonHeight | 0)
			//set up the next position for the highlight state, if we have it
			nextY += buttonHeight;
			//reset any transformations
		if (highlightSettings)
			//calculate the size of this state
			var highlightStateWidth = buttonWidth + highlightSettings.size * 2;
			var highlightStateHeight = buttonHeight + highlightSettings.size * 2;
			//set up the color changing filter
			drawingBitmap.filters = [new ColorFilter(0, 0, 0, 1,
				highlightSettings.alpha !== undefined ? -255 + highlightSettings.alpha : 0)];
			//size the colored highlight
			drawingBitmap.scaleX = (highlightStateWidth) / buttonWidth;
			drawingBitmap.scaleY = (highlightStateHeight) / buttonHeight;
			//position it
			drawingBitmap.x = 0;
			drawingBitmap.y = nextY;
			//draw the state
			drawingBitmap.cache(0, 0, highlightStateWidth, highlightStateHeight);
			//reset any transformations
			//size and position it to normal
			drawingBitmap.scaleX = drawingBitmap.scaleY = 1;
			drawingBitmap.x = highlightSettings.size;
			drawingBitmap.y = nextY + highlightSettings.size;
			drawingBitmap.filters = null;
			//draw the up state over the highlight state glow
			//set up the trim values for the other states
			var trim = new Rectangle(
			output.up.trim = trim;
			output.over.trim = trim;
			output.down.trim = trim;
			if (output.disabled)
				output.disabled.trim = trim;
			//set up the highlight state for the button
			output.highlighted = {
				src: new Rectangle(0, nextY, highlightStateWidth | 0, highlightStateHeight | 0)
			//set up the state priority to include the highlighted state
			output.priority = DEFAULT_PRIORITY.slice();
			//add in an offset to the button to account for the highlight glow without affecting
			//button positioning
			output.offset = {
				x: -highlightSettings.size,
				y: -highlightSettings.size
		return output;

	 * Generates an 'imageSettings' from a TextureAtlas, a base name for all frames, and a list
	 * of state priorities.
	 * @method generateSettingsFromAtlas
	 * @static
	 * @param {springroll.easeljs.TextureAtlas} atlas The TextureAtlas to pull all frames from.
	 * @param {String} baseName The base name for all frames in the atlas.
	 * @param {Array} statePriority The state order, as well as determining frame names in the
	 *                            atlas. Each state frame name in the atlas should be
	 *                            <code>baseName + "_" + statePriority[i]</code>.
	Button.generateSettingsFromAtlas = function(atlas, baseName, statePriority)
		var output = {
			priority: statePriority
		//start at the end to start at the up state
		for (var i = statePriority.length - 1; i >= 0; --i)
			var frame = atlas.getFrame(baseName + "_" + statePriority[i]);
			if (!frame)
				output[statePriority[i]] = output.up;
			if (!output.image)
				output.image = frame.image;
			var state = output[statePriority[i]] = {
				src: frame.frame
			if (frame.rotated)
				state.rotated = true;
			if (frame.trimmed)
				state.trim = new Rectangle(frame.offset.x, frame.offset.y, frame.width,
		return output;

	namespace('springroll').Button = Button;
	namespace('springroll.easeljs').Button = Button;