
 * @module Native Display
 * @namespace springroll.native
 * @requires Core

	var AbstractDisplay = include('springroll.AbstractDisplay');

	 * NativeDisplay is a display plugin for doing native rendering. This represents
	 * the bare minimum needed by the Application to render.
	 * @class NativeDisplay
	 * @extends springroll.AbstractDisplay
	 *	@constructor
	 *	@param {String} id The id of the canvas element on the page to draw to.
	 *	@param {Object} options The setup data for the display.
	 * @param {String} [options.contextId="2d"] Valid options are "2d" and "webgl"
	var NativeDisplay = function(id, options)
	{, id, options);

		options = options ||

		 * The main rendering context, typically either `CanvasRenderingContext2d` 
		 * or `WebGLRenderingContext`
		 * @property {RenderingContext}
		 * @readOnly
		 * @public
		this.stage = this.canvas.getContext(options.contextId || "2d");

		// Add the display adapter
		this.adapter = include('springroll.native.DisplayAdapter');


	// Assign to the global namespace
	namespace('springroll').NativeDisplay = NativeDisplay;
	namespace('springroll.native').NativeDisplay = NativeDisplay;
