
 * @module Native Display
 * @namespace springroll.native
 * @requires Core
	 * The Point object represents a location in a two-dimensional coordinate system, where x represents the horizontal axis and y represents the vertical axis.
	 * @class Point
	 * @constructor
	 * @param x {Number} position of the point
	 * @param y {Number} position of the point
	var Point = function(x, y)
		 * @property x
		 * @type Number
		 * @default 0
		this.x = x || 0;

		 * @property y
		 * @type Number
		 * @default 0
		this.y = y || 0;

	var p = extend(Point);

	 * Creates a clone of this point
	 * @method clone
	 * @return {Point} a copy of the point
	p.clone = function()
		return new Point(this.x, this.y);

	 * Returns the dot product between this point and another one.
	 * @method dotProd 
	 * @param other {Point} The point to form a dot product with
	 * @return The dot product between the two points.
	p.dotProd = function(other)
		return this.x * other.x + this.y * other.y;

	 * Returns the length (or magnitude) of this point.
	 * @method length
	 * @return The length of this point.
	p.length = function()
		return Math.sqrt(this.x * this.x + this.y * this.y);

	 * Returns the squared length (or magnitude) of this point. This is faster than length().
	 * @method lengthSq
	 * @return The length squared of this point.
	p.lengthSq = function()
		return this.x * this.x + this.y * this.y;

	 * Reduces the point to a length of 1.
	 * @method normalize
	p.normalize = function()
		var oneOverLen = 1 / this.length();
		this.x *= oneOverLen;
		this.y *= oneOverLen;

	 * Subtracts the x and y values of a point from this point.
	 * @method subtract 
	 * @param other {Point} The point to subtract from this one
	p.subtract = function(other)
		this.x -= other.x;
		this.y -= other.y;

	 * Adds the x and y values of a point to this point.
	 * @method add 
	 * @param other {Point} The point to add to this one
	p.add = function(other)
		this.x += other.x;
		this.y += other.y;

	 * Truncate the length of the point to a maximum.
	 * @method truncate 
	 * @param maxLength {Number} The maximum length to allow in this point.
	p.truncate = function(maxLength)
		var l = this.length();
		if (l > maxLength)
			var maxOverLen = maxLength / l;
			this.x *= maxOverLen;
			this.y *= maxOverLen;

	 * Multiplies the x and y values of this point by a value.
	 * @method scaleBy 
	 * @param value {Number} The value to scale by.
	p.scaleBy = function(value)
		this.x *= value;
		this.y *= value;

	 * creates a serializable form of this object so it may be saved or passed via Bellhop.
	 * Note that it adds a special property named `__classname` to tell the Reviver
	 * how to restore a pristine `Object`
	 * @method toJSON
	 * @return {Object} serializable object
	p.toJSON = function()
		return {
			__classname: "springroll.native.Point",
			x: this.x,
			y: this.y

	 * Works with a reviver function to restore from a native Object 
	 * to an instance of this type.
	 * @param  {Object} inputObj serialized object
	 * @method fromJSON
	p.fromJSON = function(inputObj)
		this.x = inputObj.x;
		this.y = inputObj.y;

	p.toString = function()
		return "(" + this.x + ", " + this.y + ")";

	// constructor
	p.constructor = Point;

	// Assign to namespace
	namespace('springroll.native').Point = Point;
