
 * @module Languages
 * @namespace springroll
 * @requires Core
(function(window, undefined)

	var Loader = include('springroll.Loader'),
		Application = include('springroll.Application'),
		EventDispatcher = include('springroll.EventDispatcher');

	 * Keeps track of the user locale, by auto-detecting the browser language, allowing a user
	 * selection, and automatically modifying any url that runs through the CacheManager.
	 * @class Languages
	 * @extends springroll.EventDispatcher
	 * @constructor
	 * @param {Object} config The language settings to be used.
	 * @param {String} config.default The default language name to use if asked for one that is
	 *                             not present.
	 * @param {Array} config.languages An array of all supported languages, with entries being
	 *                              locale ids (dialects allowed). Locale ids should be lower
	 *                              case.
	 * @param {String} [config.replace="%LANG%"] A string to replace in urls with the current
	 *                                        language.
	var Languages = function(config)
		if (_instance)
			throw "Only one Languages can exist at a time!";
		_instance = this;;

		 * The value to replace with the current language in URLS.
		 * @property {String} _replace
		 * @private
		 * @default "%LANG%"
		this._replace = "%LANG%";

		 * The current language.
		 * @property {String} _current
		 * @private
		this._current = null;

		 * The default language.
		 * @property {String} _default
		 * @private
		this._default = null;

		 * Available languages.
		 * @property {Array} languages
		 * @public
		this.languages = null;

		 * A dictionary of translated strings, set with setStringTable().
		 * @property {Dictionary} _stringTable
		 * @private
		this._stringTable = null;

	// Reference to the prototype
	var s = EventDispatcher.prototype;
	var p = EventDispatcher.extend(Languages);

	 * Fired when the chosen language has changed.
	 * @event changed
	 * @param {String} language The newly chosen language.

	 * Configure 
	 * @method setConfig
	 * @param {Object} config The language settings to be used.
	 * @param {String} config.default The default language name to use if asked for one that is
	 *                              not present.
	 * @param {Array} config.languages An array of all supported languages, with entries being
	 *                               locale ids (dialects allowed). Locale ids should be lower
	 *                               case.
	 * @param {String} [config.replace="%LANG%"] A string to replace in urls with the current
	 *                                          language.
	p.setConfig = function(config)
		if (!config.languages || !config.default)
			throw "Languages requires a language dictionary and a default language!";

		this._replace = config.replace || this._replace;
		this._default = config.default;
		this.languages = config.languages;

		//set the initial language

		//connect to the CacheManager
		this.modifyUrl = this.modifyUrl.bind(this);

	 * Get the singleton instance of the Languages object.
	 * @property {springroll.Languages} instance
	 * @static
	 * @public
	var _instance = null;
	Object.defineProperty(Languages, "instance",
		get: function()
			return _instance;

	 * The current language.
	 * @property {String} current
	 * @readOnly
	 * @public
	Object.defineProperty(p, "current",
		get: function()
			return this._current;

	 * Gets the preferred languages from the browser.
	 * @method getPreferredLanguages
	 * @return {Array} The list of preferred languages in order of preference.
	p.getPreferredLanguages = function()
		var rtn;
		var navigator = window.navigator;
		if (navigator.languages)
			//use the newer Firefox and Chrome language list if available.
			rtn = navigator.languages;
		else if (navigator.language)
			//fall back to the browser's UI language
			rtn = [navigator.language || navigator.userLanguage];
			rtn = [];
		return rtn;

	 * Sets the current language, based on specified preferences and what is available.
	 * @method setLanguage
	 * @param {Array|String} languageList The list of preferred languages in order of preference,
	 *                                or a single language.
	p.setLanguage = function(languageList)
		if (!languageList) return;

		if (!Array.isArray(languageList))
			languageList = [languageList];

		var chosen;
		for (var i = 0, len = languageList.length; i < len; ++i)
			var language = languageList[i].toLowerCase();
			if (this.languages.indexOf(language) >= 0)
				//check to see if we have the full language and dialect (if included)
				chosen = language;
			else if (language.indexOf("-") >= 0)
				//check to see if we have the language without the dialect
				language = language.split("-")[0].toLowerCase();
				if (this.languages.indexOf(language) >= 0)
					chosen = language;
		if (!chosen)
			chosen = this._default;
		if (chosen != this._current)
			this._current = chosen;
			this.trigger('changed', chosen);

	 * Sets the string table for later reference.
	 * @method setStringTable
	 * @param {Dictionary} dictionary The string table, with keys that you would use to reference
	 *                            the translations.
	p.setStringTable = function(dictionary)
		this._stringTable = dictionary;

	 * Gets a string from the current string table.
	 * @method getString
	 * @param {String} key The key of the string to get.
	 * @return {String} The translated string.
	p.getString = function(key)
		return this._stringTable ? this._stringTable[key] : null;

	 * Gets a formatted string from the current string table. See String.format() in the Core
	 * module.
	 * @method getFormattedString
	 * @param {String} key The key of the string to get.
	 * @param {Array|*} args An array or list of arguments for formatting.
	 * @return {String} The translated string.
	p.getFormattedString = function(key)
		var string = this._stringTable ? this._stringTable[key] : null;
		if (string)
			return string.format(, 1));
			return null;

	 * Modifies a url, replacing a specified value with the current language.
	 * @method modifyUrl
	 * @param {String} url The url to modify to a language specific version.
	p.modifyUrl = function(url)
		while (url.indexOf(this._replace) >= 0)
			url = url.replace(this._replace, this._current);
		return url;

	 * Destroys the Languages object.
	 * @method destroy
	p.destroy = function()
		var loader = Application.instance.loader;
		if (loader)
		this.modifyUrl = this.languages = null;
		_instance = null;;

	// Assign to namespace
	namespace('springroll').Languages = Languages;
