
 * @module UI
 * @namespace springroll
 * @requires Core
	// Class imports
	var ScaleItem = include('springroll.ScaleItem'),
		ScaleImage = include('springroll.ScaleImage'),
		Positioner = include('springroll.Positioner'),
		Application = include('springroll.Application'),

	 * The UI scale is responsible for scaling UI components to help easy the burden of different
	 * device aspect ratios. The UI can expand either vertically or horizontally to fill excess
	 * space.
	 * @class ScaleManager
	 * @constructor
	 * @param {Object} [options] The options
	 * @param {Object} [options.size] The dimensions of the Scaler
	 * @param {Number} [options.size.width] The designed width
	 * @param {Number} [options.size.height] The designed height
	 * @param {Number} [options.size.maxwidth=size.width] The designed max width
	 * @param {Number} [options.size.maxheight=size.height] The designed max height
	 * @param {Object} [options.items] The items to load
	 * @param {PIXI.DisplayObjectContainer|createjs.Container} [options.container] The container if
	 *                                                                           adding items
	 * @param {Object} [options.display] The current display
	 * @param {Boolean} [options.enabled=false] If the scaler is enabled
	var ScaleManager = function(options)
		Debug = include('springroll.Debug', false);

		options = Object.merge(
			enabled: false,
			size: null,
			items: null,
			display: null,
			container: null
		}, options);

		 * The configuration for each items
		 * @property {Array} _items
		 * @private
		this._items = [];

		 * The screen settings object, contains information about designed size
		 * @property {object} _size
		 * @private
		this._size = null;

		 * The current overall scale of the game
		 * @property {Number} _scale
		 * @private
		 * @default 1
		this._scale = 1;

		 * The adapter for universal scale, rotation size access
		 * @property {Object} _adapter
		 * @private
		this._adapter = null;

		 * The internal enabled
		 * @property {boolean} _enabled
		 * @private
		this._enabled = options.enabled;

		if (DEBUG)
			 * If we should log verbose messages (unminified module only!)
			 * @property {Boolean} verbose
			 * @default false
			this.verbose = false;

		// Set the designed size
		this.size = options.size;

		// Set the display so we can get an adapter
		this.display = options.display;

		if (options.items)
			if (!options.container)
				throw "ScaleManager requires container to add items";
			this.addItems(options.container, options.items);

		// Setup the resize bind
		this._resize = this._resize.bind(this);

		// Set the enabled status
		this.enabled = this._enabled;

	// Reference to the prototype
	var p = extend(ScaleManager);

	 * Vertically align to the top
	 * @property {String} ALIGN_TOP
	 * @static
	 * @final
	 * @readOnly
	 * @default "top"
	var ALIGN_TOP = ScaleManager.ALIGN_TOP = "top";

	 * Vertically align to the bottom
	 * @property {String} ALIGN_BOTTOM
	 * @static
	 * @final
	 * @readOnly
	 * @default "bottom"
	var ALIGN_BOTTOM = ScaleManager.ALIGN_BOTTOM = "bottom";

	 * Horizontally align to the left
	 * @property {String} ALIGN_LEFT
	 * @static
	 * @final
	 * @readOnly
	 * @default "left"
	var ALIGN_LEFT = ScaleManager.ALIGN_LEFT = "left";

	 * Horizontally align to the right
	 * @property {String} ALIGN_RIGHT
	 * @static
	 * @final
	 * @readOnly
	 * @default "right"
	var ALIGN_RIGHT = ScaleManager.ALIGN_RIGHT = "right";

	 * Vertically or horizontally align to the center
	 * @property {String} ALIGN_CENTER
	 * @static
	 * @final
	 * @readOnly
	 * @default "center"
	var ALIGN_CENTER = ScaleManager.ALIGN_CENTER = "center";

	 * Get the adapter by display
	 * @method _getAdapter
	 * @private
	 * @param {object} display The canvas renderer display
	ScaleManager._getAdapter = function(display)
		if (!display)
			display = Application.instance.display;

		if (!display) return null;

		// Check for a displayadpater, doesn't work with generic display
		if (!display.adapter)
			if (DEBUG)
				throw "The display specified is incompatible with ScaleManager because it doesn't contain an adapter";
				throw "ScaleManager incompatible display";
		return display.adapter;

	 * Set the display
	 * @property {springroll.AbstractDisplay} display
	Object.defineProperty(p, 'display',
		set: function(display)
			this._adapter = ScaleManager._getAdapter(display);

	 * The design sized of the application
	 * @property {Object} size
	 * @default null
	 * The designed width of the application
	 * @property {Number} size.width
	 * The designed width of the application
	 * @property {Number} size.height
	 * The designed max width of the application
	 * @property {Number} size.maxWidth
	 * @default  size.width
	 * The designed maxHeight of the application
	 * @property {Number} size.maxHeight
	 * @default  size.height
	Object.defineProperty(p, 'size',
		set: function(size)
			this._size = size;

			if (!size) return;

			if (!size.width || !size.height)
				if (DEBUG && Debug)
					throw "Designed size parameter must be a plain object with 'width' & 'height' properties";
					throw "Invalid design settings";

			// Allow for responsive designs if they're a max width
			var options = Application.instance.options;
			if (size.maxWidth)
				// Set the max width so that Application can limit the aspect ratio properly
				options.maxWidth = size.maxWidth;
			if (size.maxHeight)
				// Set the max height so that Application can limit the aspect ratio properly
				options.maxHeight = size.maxHeight;
		get: function()
			return this._size;

	 * Get the current scale of the screen relative to the designed screen size
	 * @property {Number} scale
	 * @readOnly
	Object.defineProperty(p, 'scale',
		get: function()
			return this._scale;

	 * The total number of items
	 * @property {Number} numItems
	 * @readOnly
	Object.defineProperty(p, 'numItems',
		get: function()
			return this._items.length;

	 * Whether the ScaleManager should listen to the stage resize. Setting to true
	 * initialized a resize.
	 * @property {boolean} enabled
	 * @default true
	Object.defineProperty(p, 'enabled',
		get: function()
			return this._enabled;
		set: function(enabled)
			this._enabled = enabled;
			var app = Application.instance;'resize', this._resize);
			if (enabled)
				app.on('resize', this._resize);

				// Refresh the resize event

	 * Remove all items where the item display is a the container or it contains items
	 * @method removeItems
	 * @param  {*} parent The object which contains the items as live variables.
	 * @param {Object} items The items that was passed to `addItems`
	 * @return {springroll.ScaleManager} The ScaleManager for chaining
	p.removeItems = function(parent, items)
		var children = [];
		if (items)
			// Get the list of children to remove
			for (var name in items)
				if (parent[name])
			// @deprecated implementation
			if (DEBUG)
				console.warn("ScaleManager.removeItems should have a second parameter which is the items dictionary e.g., removeItems(panel, items)");
			return this.removeItemsByContainer(parent);

		// Remove the items by children's list
		if (children.length)
			var _itemsCopy = this._items.slice();
			var _items = this._items;
				if (children.indexOf(item.display) > -1)
					_items.splice(_items.indexOf(item), 1);
		return this;

	 * Remove all items where the item display is a child of the container display
	 * @method removeItemsByParent
	 * @param  {createjs.Container|PIXI.DisplayObjectContainer} container The container to remove items from
	 * @return {springroll.ScaleManager} The ScaleManager for chaining
	p.removeItemsByContainer = function(container)
		var adapter = this._adapter;
		this._items.forEach(function(item, i, items)
			if (adapter.contains(container, item.display))
				items.splice(i, 1);
		return this;

	 * Remove a single item from the scaler
	 * @method removeItem
	 * @param  {createjs.Bitmap|PIXI.Sprite|createjs.Container|PIXI.DisplayObjectContainer} display The object to remove
	 * @return {springroll.ScaleManager} The ScaleManager for chaining
	p.removeItem = function(display)
		var items = this._items;
		for (var i = 0, len = items.length; i < len; i++)
			if (items[i].display === display)
				items.splice(i, 1);
		return this;

	 * Register a dictionary of items to the ScaleManager to control.
	 * @method addItems
	 * @param {*} parent The parent object that contains the items as variables.
	 * @param {object} items The items object where the keys are the name of the property on the
	 *                     parent and the value is an object with keys of "titleSafe", "minScale",
	 *                     "maxScale", "centerHorizontally", "align", see ScaleManager.addItem for a
	 *                     description of the different keys.
	 * @return {springroll.ScaleManager} The instance of this ScaleManager for chaining
	p.addItems = function(parent, items)
		// Temp variables
		var settings;
		var name;

		// Loop through all the items and register
		// Each dpending on the settings
		for (name in items)
			settings = items[name];

			if (!parent[name])
				if (DEBUG && Debug && this.verbose)
				{"ScaleManager: could not find object '" + name + "'");
			this.addItem(parent[name], settings, false);
		return this;

	 * Manually add an item
	 * @method addItem
	 * @param {createjs.DisplayObject|PIXI.DisplayObject} displayObject The display object item
	 * @param {object|String} [settings="center"] The collection of settings or the align property
	 * @param {String} [settings.align="center"] The vertical alignment ("top", "bottom", "center")
	 *      then horizontal alignment ("left", "right" and "center"). Or you can use the short-
	 *      handed versions: "center" = "center-center", "top" = "top-center", 
	 *      "bottom" = "bottom-center", "left" = "center-left", "right" = "center-right".
	 * @param {Boolean|String} [settings.titleSafe=false] If the item needs to be in the title safe
	 *      area. Acceptable values are false, "horizontal", "vertical", "all", and true.
	 *      The default is false, and true is the same as "all".
	 * @param {Number} [settings.minScale=NaN] The minimum scale amount (default, scales the same
	 *      size as the stage)
	 * @param {Number} [settings.maxScale=NaN] The maximum scale amount (default, scales the same
	 *      size as the stage)
	 * @param {Boolean} [settings.centeredHorizontally=false] Makes sure that the center of the
	 *      object is directly in the center of the stage assuming origin point is in
	 *      the upper-left corner.
	 * @param {Number} [settings.x] The initial X position of the item
	 * @param {Number} [settings.y] The initial Y position of the item
	 * @param {Object} [settings.scale] The initial scale
	 * @param {Number} [settings.scale.x] The initial scale X value
	 * @param {Number} [settings.scale.y] The initial scale Y value
	 * @param {Object} [settings.pivot] The pivot point
	 * @param {Number} [settings.pivot.x] The pivot point X location
	 * @param {Number} [settings.pivot.y] The pivot point Y location
	 * @param {Number} [settings.rotation] The initial rotation in degrees
	 * @param {Object|Array} [settings.hitArea] An object which describes the hit area of the item
	 *      or an array of points.
	 * @param {String} [settings.hitArea.type] If the hitArea is an object, the type of hit area,
	 *      "rect", "ellipse", "circle", etc
	 * @return {springroll.ScaleManager} The instance of this ScaleManager for chaining
	 * Add a bitmap to make be fullscreen
	 * @method  addItem
	 * @param {PIXI.Sprite|createjs.Bitmap} bitmap The bitmap to scale
	 * @param {String} settings      Must be 'cover-image'
	 * @return {springroll.ScaleManager} The instance of this ScaleManager for chaining
	p.addItem = function(displayObject, settings, doResize)
		if (doResize === undefined)
			doResize = true;
		if (!settings)
			settings = {
				align: ALIGN_CENTER

		if (settings === "cover-image")
			this._items.push(new ScaleImage(displayObject, this._size, this._adapter));
			if (typeof settings === "string")
				settings = {
					align: settings
			var align = settings.align || ALIGN_CENTER;

			// Interpret short handed versions
			switch (align)
				case ALIGN_CENTER:
						align = align + "-" + align;
				case ALIGN_LEFT:
				case ALIGN_RIGHT:
						align = ALIGN_CENTER + "-" + align;
				case ALIGN_TOP:
				case ALIGN_BOTTOM:
						align = align + "-" + ALIGN_CENTER;

			// Error check the alignment value input
			if (!/^(center|top|bottom)\-(left|right|center)$/.test(align))
				throw "Item align '" + align + "' is invalid for " + displayObject;

			// Do the intial positioning of the display object
			Positioner.init(displayObject, settings, this._adapter);

			// Create the item settings
			var item = new ScaleItem(displayObject, align, this._size, this._adapter);

			item.titleSafe = settings.titleSafe == "all" ? true : settings.titleSafe;
			item.maxScale = settings.maxScale || NaN;
			item.minScale = settings.minScale || NaN;
			item.centeredHorizontally = !!settings.centeredHorizontally;

		if (doResize)
		return this;

	 * Scale the UI items that have been registered to the current screen
	 * @method _resize
	 * @private
	 * @param {Number} w The current width of the application
	 * @param {Number} h The current height of the application
	p._resize = function(w, h)
		var _size = this._size;

		// Size hasn't been setup yet
		if (!_size)
			if (DEBUG && Debug)
				Debug.warn("Unable to resize scaling because the scaling size hasn't been set.");

		var defaultRatio = _size.width / _size.height;
		var currentRatio = w / h;
		this._scale = currentRatio > defaultRatio ?
			h / _size.height :
			w / _size.width;

		// Resize all the items
			item.resize(w, h);

	 * Destroy the scaler object
	 * @method destroy
	p.destroy = function()
		this.enabled = false;


		this._adapter = null;
		this._size = null;
		this._items = null;

	// Assign to namespace
	namespace('springroll').ScaleManager = ScaleManager;
